
4.7K 66 16

Word Count: 816

Author Note: hi cute people! I apologize for not being able to post this requested chapter from @Stormblade29 earlier but I have exams in this period!

If you liked it don't forget to vote and comment! 



Mate, according to the dictionary, is the sexual partner of an animal. For werewolf it's much more than a sexual partner, it's the element that completes you.

I've always been looking for my mate, since when I turned 18, but with poor results.

When I received the letter from the university, that I passed the entry test for forensic science in LA, I decided to move there, in order to start being independent.

But my main purpose was to find my mate. During those years I found just "mates" that sooner or later abandoned me. After the 5th relationship gone wrong, I decided to just focus on my studies, to be the best.

After I obtained my bachelor's in forensic science, with full marks, the rector of the university, told me that the LAPD was interested in me and was amazed by the thesis I wrote. They wanted me to start immediately working for them.

After a job interview, to make sure I really had potential, they hired me. I started working side by side with Ella Lopez, that lately turned out to be one of my best friends.

My other best friend is Chloe Decker, the detective of the team Ella and I work in. She's a very determined person, that fights to do justice for the victims.

Like every day, Ella and I were working on a case when Chloe entered the lab.

"Hey girls, sorry to interrupt you but I have an announcement to make. Can you please come at my desk?"

We stopped our analysis and followed her. Near her desk we found also Dan and another man, all dressed like he has a wedding in 4 hours.

"Guys, from today on we will have another member in our team. Please welcome Lucifer" Chloe said while pointing at him.

The moment he turned to shake my hand, a thousand chills went down my spine. My werewolf eyes were about to come out, but I quickly blinked.

- No, it can't be him – I thought

I already heard about him because he messed up with my originary pack. He's on my blacklist because he caused my mother's death.

- This monster can't be my mate – I thought while walking back into the lab.

I was walking to my car when I heard light steps behind me. I quickly turned, grabbed his neck and slammed him against my red Mini. He showed me his classic devilish smile.

"What a beautiful surprise, Y/N. Looks like we are mates" he added.

"Shut up. That can't be true, you can't be my mate. You're a monster that caused just sufferance to werewolf" I said while I started to shift in my animal shape.

"We should talk in a calmer place. Here there are a lot of surveillance cameras" he blinked while I removed my hand from his neck.

*20 minutes later*

We parked our cars in front of my little house. Once I closed the door behind me, he tried to pin me to the wall, but with no results.

On the other hand, he was the hand pinned to the wall. My hand shifted and my long claws started to soak in his neck, causing his blood to start flow on his suit.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said while winking at him.

He pushed me away from him and suggested to drink some red wine while figuring everything out.

"I think you're right. Italian red wine, am I right" I asked while opening where I store my bottles of wine.

"Yes darling" he said while sitting on my couch.

"Don't call me darling" I answered while pouring two glasses of wine.

"Give me three hours and you'll love it"

After he drank some wine, a serious glance popped up on his face.

"Listen Y/N, I was surprised too when I realized that you were my mate. Before you say anything, back to when I spread sufferance in your pack, I was blinded by anger" he said while looking at me.

"For now, I won't forgive you for what you did, maybe as time goes on, I will. I have an offer I'd like to make you" I said while looking down at my hand.

- Why am I so nervous? – I asked myself.

He nodded while putting two fingers under my chin.

"We could try to start building a relationship, I think we have a lot in common. Even though now isn't that obvious" I said while looking in his dark eyes.

"You're right. I was wondering the same thing" he said while bringing my face closer to his.

We were just a few inches apart and we were breathing heavily. I took the initiative and dragged him down by pulling his tie. As soon as we started kissing, a thousand butterflies appeared in my stomach.

Then, we stopped just to go to my bedroom.

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