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Word count: 718

Author Note: the special chapter for 5k reads it's here! Thank you so much to all of you. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment with your opinion or requests.


My dream was to work in a library because I've always liked both, reading and writing. Now, 20 years after, that dream came true. Thanks to my best friend Lucifer, I started working in the most famous library in LA.

My daily routine consisted of an 8 hours shift at work and then an intensive training at the gym, before going back home and relax with my cat Lulu. 

Even though the "work" side of my life was okay, the "sentimental" part was a disaster. 

I tried so hard to find someone careful, sweet but also a little bit jealous but I ended up finding myself in love with my best friend: Lucifer. 

Since when I found it out, I tried to avoid him because I knew that he was in love with Chloe. I acknowledge I'm putting on the edge years of friendship, but I'm so afraid of being rejected. 

It would break my heart, to hear him telling me that we have to just be friends because he's deeply in love with Chloe Decker. 

It's been 6 months since the last time I saw Lucifer. Today, while I was having a little break before going back to work, he texted me (like every day during the last months). He was inviting me to his penthouse for dinner. Deeply I knew he invited me mainly to check up on me and ask me why I disappeared.

Unlike other days, I replied with a simple "Okay" and I put my phone back into my pocket before his reply could pop up on the screen.

- Later that day -

I got dressed in my favorite pair of jeans, my black vans, and my favorite t-shirt. I grabbed my motorcycle jacket, my backpack, and drove to Lucifers' penthouse. Once I parked my vehicle nearby, I entered the elevator, and when the doors opened I realized I've never been that nervous.

When he turned to the source of the sound, a wide smile appeared on his face. I gently put my backpack and my jacket on his sofa, then walked to the table in the center of the room.

"Y/N you look so beautiful" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Thanks. You look handsome as usual" I said while smiling, trying to hide my real emotions.

During the dinner, we talked like usual, but as we finished our meal, he invited me to sit on his sofa and tell him the reason for 6 months of absence. 

I took a deep breath, to calm myself down. Then I told him.

"The reason why I disappeared is that I've fallen in love with you. I haven't told you because Chloe and you are trying to build a relationship, it's useless to confess you my feelings" I said, while a tear went down my face.

My gaze remained stable on the little table in front of us. I didn't have the courage to look him in the face to see his reaction. He was about to start speaking when a rustle of wings shut him up.

Just after looking at his shocked gaze towards me, I realized that my wings came back. At that moment I was even more in panic because he knew just half of the story of my wings.

"Listen Lucifer, before you say anything, let me explain to you all the story. As you can see, the feathers of my wings, are half black and half white. The reason is that my father was a demon and my mom was an angel. I haven't told you because according to the law of both, hell and heaven, the son/daughter born from an angel and a demon, will die the day he/she reaches 25 years"

"First, Chloe and I decided to be friends. Second, I knew that you were hiding something. You don't have to worry about that old rule, I abolished it a few centuries ago" he said while walking to me.

The moment his hand touched my arm, I made a few steps back.

"Don't touch me, I'm a monster... No one wants me" I said as I started to cry.

"Hey, you're talking to the devil. I'm the king of monsters" he said while laughing. That made me laugh too.

"Well, in that case, I'd be very pleased to become your queen" I answered before kissing him passionately.

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