New beginning

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Word Count: 787
Author Note: hi everyone! How did these days went?
Here I am with a longer chapter. Tell me with a comment what do you think about it. Don't forget to also ask for special requests, if you have any! Enjoy!

I was walking to the public bibliotheque to study for my online courses in law.  While walking I was keeping close to me my little backpack with my laptop and a notebook for some quick notes inside.

Once I was inside I talked with the owner while drinking my Frappuccino from Starbucks.
When the conversation was over, I went to my favorite table, near the books about law and started other two hours of intense study as always.

I just started working for the LAPD but my boss asked me to improve my knowledge in USA law as I am from Europe during my free time. Yes, you read correctly, i am from Europe. I first came here on holiday but I ended up making LA my new home.

I took my boss's tip seriously and as quickly as I found out about this little bibliotheque near my apartment, every day for 2 hours in the afternoon, I went there to study.
I keep a track of my progress, I developed a plan. I found it helpful because with motivation and that plan I finished all the online courses in 2 months.

I became even happier when I announced it to my boss and the team I am working with.
My boss was amazed by my self motivation and the seriousness towards the additional tasks he gave me, that promoted me to agent in less than one year.

After the announcement my boss went back into his office. Then Ella, Dan, Charlotte and Lucifer checked that he wasn't listening anything and then all together told me "We should go party!",
At first I declined their invite but then I gave up and arranged an appontiment in fron of Lucifer's club, the Lux, at 9 p.m. for that evening.

While driving my red car to the Lux, all the things in my mind were connected to Lucifer and the love I developed for him. In one year I fell in love with him, not just because he's the devil and it's handsome, but also because of his character and the way he acts.

The only thing keeping me from telling him my feelings was Chloe.
She was now working for the New York Police Department, so she wasn't in LA but from the look in his eyes, he was still trying to achieve the fact that they became just friends and nothing more.

After parking the car, I walked to the entrance where I saw Lucifer waiting dressed in his black Prada's suit. Honestly, as an Italian person, I died a little inside after seeing that amount of handsomeness in one time.

When he looked up he realized I was arrived and make a few steps toward me.
The picture of him walking toward me while making congrats for my black dress with lace's inserts made hope start growing in me.

"Hello darling, I didn't know under that uniform you were hiding such a beautiful body" he said while kissing my cheeks.
"Well, everyone has their secrets. Even those you weren't suspecting" i answered while blinking at him and going inside.

After greeting with all the team, we sat at our table and Lucifer sat near me. It is unsaid that my cheeks turned red almost immediately.
Unfortunately Ella noticed it and whispered me "Honey stay calm. I'm sure you know how to handle this night" just before Maze arrived with our drinks.

When everyone were served, we raised the drinks and said "To Y/N and her new career" all at once. After that we started parting.

All my thoughts about Lucifer and his new attitude in the last months became reality when he started dancing with me. All I saw in his eyes was happiness, carnal desire for me. Not for the women he was used to fuck with, that gaze was just for me.

I was so anxious that all that was fake, that I asked him for a quite place where to talk.

"Yes darling, we can go in my penthouse" he said almost happy I asked him.

When we arrived there, I waited for the elevator to close, I turned to face him. It took me a few seconds to realise that he was just a few inches from me.
I made a little step backward and started my little speech.

As I finished it I looked up to realise he was walking toward me.
He laid his hands on both sides of my face while saying "Oh honey, I've been waiting for this moment for so long" just before kissing me like I've never been kissed.

That kiss was full of passion, of unsaid words and of happiness for days that were coming.

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