Changes or not?

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Word Count: 389
Author Note: Hi guys, how are you? I'm so sorry for the long time since my last chapter. Now that I began Christmas break from university I'll try to post at least 3 chapters.
I know it's quite short but it has a lot of meaning for me.
Comment and live a vote to shoe me support.



I was so angry with myself, frustrated that I argued with Lucifer, my best friend.
It was a bad period for me at work because of my boss, he's always been there to criticise everything I've ever did for him.

There was one thing I didn't get over of, his constant jokes about my body. I've always had low self-esteem, since when I was 10, and I passed the last 3 years between trying to follow the diet, at least 2 hours a day at the gym and him, that JERK.

Every night I've been used to call lucifer at my place to find some peace but since when he discovered feelings... he disappeared, he's always with Chloe.
Even my best friend got tired of me.

> some days later <

I'm walking under the hot sun of LA, towards Lucifer's penthouse, to have a little talk with him. I entered Lux and walked directly to the elevator. When I heard the ding I walked towards him, who was playing the piano when his loyal drink near.

As he heard some steps behind him, he stood up and turned.
When he saw me face, with the scars of not enough sleep and food, realized what he did to me. He realized how bad made me feel in the previous weeks.

Honestly I think I'm the first woman on earth that shocked Lucifer. He didn't even tryed to speak. He kept his mouth closed, because he knew he fucked up our friendship.

> 3 months later <

After that day a lot of things changed.
Now I work in the gym where I used to work out, my boss is amazing and so are my colleagues.

I was talking with two customers after my last lesson before Christmas holidays when the receptionist came in saying someone was looking for me.
Quickly I said goodbye to everyone, I grabbed my stuff and walk down the stairs to reach the entrance and the reception.

As I looked up I saw him, with a tired look on his face.
He didn't give me the chance to speak because started what was his "Apology Speech". I can't remember clearly what he said but I remember with all the details the passionate kiss he gave me after, between the applause of the gym's customers.

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