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Word Count: 660
Author Note: hi everyone, here I am with my first request. From tinarocksdabeat . I hope you all like it. Don't forget to vote and comment!
I've known Lucifer for the last five years and we build a strong friendship. It is known, that between best friends, one falls in love with the other. Between Lucifer and I the person that fell in love was me.

I've been hiding my fellings for him for too long. One day, I decided to go to the "Black and White Party" he organised that Saturday night. After being ready, I locked my apartment's door and walked to the Lux, which was a 15 minutes walk from where I lived.

I became upset when I arrived in front of my destination. I had to wait in queue for 30 minutes.

As I entered, Maze gave me my favourite drink. While drinking it, I started looking for him in the crowd.

When my glass was empty and my bravery was at its maximum, I started making myself space in the crowd to get to him. I was about to say him "Hi" when someone grabbed me from behind and made me turn.

I yelled hoping Lucifer heard me but the music was too loud. When I opened my eyes, in front of me there was my ex paranoic boyfriend, Andrew.

Unfortunately I had too much alcohol inside myself to put into practice the self-defense lessons I've been taking.

Right before he grabbed my purse, I pushed the "Call" button near Lucifer's name, praying and hoping with all my heart.

"Now, Y/N, you're coming with me. You're so beautiful and I wanna have some good old fun. You remeber it, dont you?" he said with a creppy smile on his face.

"A-andrew in case you don't remeber, we broke up 2 years ago. What do you wan't from me, after all this time" I asked him while he was pulling me away from the crowd, in a dimly lit corner.

"Oh Y/N I remember perfectly the day you broke with me to run into Lucifer's arms" he shouted while trying to undress me, obviously against my will.

"Leave Lucifer outside what happened between us. I broke up with you becuase you became overprotective and obsessed with me" I shouted louder than him.

"Don't you dare speak at me like that" he said while putting a hand on my mouth. In that moment I started crying and memories older than 2 years started coming back to my mind.

Suddenly I fainted, while still praying for Lucifer to show and save me before it was too late.
When I woke up I was laying on an ambulance bed. My first thought was "Lucifer".

I turned my head to see a nurse calmly talking to me.

"Don't worry, mister Morningstar called us before it was too late" she said while smiling.

"C-can I see him? I need to see Lucifer, please" I politely asked her, while a tear was going down my face.
"He will be back in seconds, he just went to talk with the police" she answered.

She was right, he arrived when she ended her sentence. "I leave you too alone" said before going away.

"Oh Y/N, forgive me" he said while hugging me "I was so worried it was too late" he added while rubbing his thumb against my chek. My heart started beating faster.

"Don't worry Lucifer. I think my prays did the work" I said while looking at the sky, at his "father".

"Yes, I think I have to thank him. He saved the woman I was about to confess my feelings to" he answered while smiling.

"W-what?" I yelled shocked.

"Don't be stupid, you understood perfectly what I said"

"Yes. I came to confess my feelings for you but then.."

"Well... now that he's in jail, we have a lot of time. Don't we" he said.

Then he kissed me, slowly. That kiss was full of unsaid words and passion.
It was a kiss both of us waited for too long.

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