Changes or not? - part 2

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Word Count: 388
Author Note: hi everyone, how are you? As promised here it is, the new chapter!
Christmas is around the corner and that's why I decided to write this chapter.
Let me know with a comment if you have any requests and leave a vote if you liked it!


Since when Lucifer and I "made peace" we are stronger than ever.
Our friendship is now on another level.. sorry, I was meant to say relationship.
Yes, now Lucifer is my boyfriend and I've never been happier.

The smell of hot chocolate with marshmallows wakes me up.
As I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Lucifer with just a pair of trousers.

When he notices the way I'm watching him, his famous grin appears and says "You like what you're watching" while giving me the tray with our delicious breakfast.
After finishing our meal, we decide to go shopping because Christmas is near and we haven't bought all the presents for our friends.

> 2 hours and a lot of bags later <

"Darling, are you sure we still need to buy something?" He says while carrying all the things we bought.

"You're right, sorry. All this Christmas shopping makes me crazy" I answer while laying one hand on his arm. I grab half of the bags and give him a soft kiss on his left cheek.

"You know that carrying this bags is nothing right?" He smirked while looking at me with eyes full of love.

Between one laugh and another I answer "Yes but I don't want to feel useless".

> on Christmas Day <

Today is the 25th December and, like every year, we are at Linda's place.
Everyone is here: Maze, Amenadiel, Chloe, Dan, Trixie, Linda of course.

As Trixie eats the last piace of her chocolate cake, she stands up and screams "Time to open some presents!" with all the air in her lungs.
While laughing we stand up and follow her in the living room, where the Christmas tree and all the presents are.

Times pass quietly between laughs and a few tears.
"Darling wait here, I have a present for you" Lucifer says before going near the tree top grab the smallest present. As he come back to me he fall on one knee.

"Y/N last weeks have been amazing. I want to spend all the rest of our life together.
Y/N, make me the happiest man of the entire universe, marry me!"
As soon as she finish I said "yes" while getting on my knees to kiss him passionately.

Indeed, it's the best Christmas of my life.

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