Chapter Two

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Sara doesn't look up as someone walks into her room. She didn't have the energy. She missed Felicity too much. It killed her inside to send the younger woman home.

Shifting, Sara continues working on her suit.

The person cleared their throat. "Sara?"

Instantly, Sara looks up and tenses. "How did you find me?"

"I followed Felicity." Barry said.

Sighing, Sara looks back down. "Why are you here?"

"Felicity isn't herself, Oliver and John are worried about her." Barry said.

"Why come to me?" The blonde asks, her muscles tensing.

"Because she was always here while she was staying with us and she was happy, now she's back in Star City and she won't even talk to Oliver or John." Barry said.

Sara shrugs. "Not my problem."

"How can you say that?" Barry said. "Felicity is your friend... maybe even more than that."

The blonde stands up and glares at Barry. "Go."

Barry shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Please leave." Sara breathes out.

"Sara. No." Barry said.

The blonde clenches her fists. "Go!"

"No." Barry said.

Sara closes her eyes for a brief moment before opening them to reveal an icy blue, almost like when Caitlin would become Killer Frost. "I said go!" She screams before a sonic wave knocks Barry down.

Barry groaned.

The blonde instantly turns away from him and tries to calm herself down.

Slowly, Barry got to his feet.

"Please, just go and don't tell anyone about me." Sara begs softly.

"Sara, Felicity needs you." Barry said. "And you clearly need her."

Sara closes her eyes. "She deserves someone that isn't a monster."

"You're not a monster." Barry said.

"Yes I am." Sara responds softly.

"No. You're a meta human." Barry said. "You just have to learn how to control your power."

The blonde swallows thickly and slowly turns toward him. "I'm scared."

"I know, but I can help you." Barry said.

"How?" Sara asks softly.

"Star labs." Barry said.

Swallowing thickly, the blonde slowly nods her head.

"Come on, I'll take you." Barry said.

Moving over to him, Sara takes a deep breath.

Barry wrapped his arms around Sara and zoomed them to Star Labs.

"Woah, little warning next time." Cisco says, pulling away from Gypsy.

"Sorry." Barry said.

Clearing her throat, Gypsy fixes her dress. "Who's that?"

"This is Sara. She needs our help." Barry responds.

Cisco's eyes widen as he stares at Sara. "Sara? But you're supposed to be dead."

"Well, I'm not." Sara said.

"Does anyone else know?" Cisco asks excitedly.

"Felicity." Sara said.

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