Chapter Five

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Felicity was leaving Verdant at around 11.30pm. She'd just helped Oliver catch another bad guy. She was alone.

It was cold and raining. She pulled the hood of her jacket up and shivered. Clutching her bag tightly, she began walking down the street.

Suddenly, Felicity was pulled into a pitch black alleyway and something she never thought would happen, happened to her. She was pushed up against the wall of a building by a large man with a mask on.

"Hey, let me go!" Felicity wriggled.

The man doesn't listen, pushing her harder against the wall.

"Ouch." Felicity tried to get out of his grip.

An hour later

Oliver frowns as he walks through the alleyway to put the trash from the club in the large cans. He tripped over something on the ground and stumbled.

Frowning, Oliver looks back at what he tripped over. A body with blonde hair. The skirt on the body was ripped. He bent down and rolled the body over. "Felicity?" He could just make out the features he recognised on the blonde's smashed up face. She was unconscious. This is when he realised that she was losing a lot of blood. He didn't know how long she had been like this for.

"Shit," Oliver hits a button on his phone and Barry instantly appears.

"What happened?" Barry asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Oliver mumbles.

Barry moved to lift Felicity up. He raced her to the hospital.

Oliver frowns when he looks at his phone, seeing multiple calls from Nyssa.

Oliver dialled Nyssa's number and began making his way towards his car.

"Finally, where are you?" Laurel snaps into the phone.

"I was helping Thea with the club." Oliver said.

"Well you would've missed Nyssa's appointment but instead you missed her giving birth to your daughter." Laurel snaps.

"First, the appointment wasn't for another hour and second no once called me." Oliver said.

"The appointment was three hours ago Oliver. I've been calling you this whole time." Laurel responds.

"My phone wasn't ringing." Oliver said confused. "Tell Nyssa I'll be there soon."

Laurel just hangs up the phone.


Nyssa was sleeping by the time Oliver arrived.

Oliver sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He decided to take this time to call Sara and tell her about Felicity. He dialled her number and waited for her to pick up.


"Sara... something has happened to Felicity." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asks instantly.

"I don't know exactly what happened... but I found her in the alleyway beside Verdant and she was bleeding really badly and her skirt was torn." Oliver said.

He could practically feel the temperature drop through the phone.

"Where is she?" Sara breathes out.

"She's in the hospital. Barry is with her. I'm with Nyssa." Oliver said.

"Why's Nyssa there?" Sara asks.

"She had our baby early." Oliver said.

Nyssa began shifting in the hospital bed as she woke up.

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