Chapter 5

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3rd person's POV

Currently Tsuna was sitting on the ground with a tree behind him while feeding the bird in his palm with some crackers from his mini bag. But he wasn't alone with the bird, beside him is the 8 years old raven who's sitting beside him.

"Start." Hibari said.

Tsuna was drag by Hibari in one of the Tree here in the park, a safe place where far away from the herbivores but a peaceful place to be with and settle down as Hibari demand about more information about the flames.

"Well, the first time my flames appeared is the time I was climbing a tree, but the branch snap and I fell but before it hit the ground a fire came out from my hand and save my life. After that I can summon fire little by little whenever I want. " Tsuna said, he trust his Intuition that he can tell Hibari about this fire thingi, beside its pointless to lie.

Tsuna then summon a flame in his palm, a tiny flame and held it near the bird in his other palm. The bird seems intrigued by the light and warm and went beside the flame. Hibari was surprise the bird didn't burn.

"I can let it burn something if I want, but it also can be just like this. Sooth and warm." Tsuna said and smile a little.

"I don't Know how this work for other People Hibari-San, I'm Sorry if this is the only information I could provide you. I even Don't know what are they and why I have them. My apologies." Tsuna unsummon his flame and look at Hibari sincerely and bow slightly as an apologies.

Hibari was surprise how this Omnivore well mannered, most kids that he had met were scared of him, run away from him and annoying and he had an urge to bite them to death. But This kid in front of him seems different, well he is different after all.

"Hn." Hibari said and think. He thought about how Tsuna summon his flames and..

"Does The flame went out when its your first time to be expose danger?" Hibari ask.

Tsuna think about that.Actually No, it wasn't. He was expose to many danger before due to bullies and his younger brother with an Oblivious Mother. But that day his flames come out, he was climbing a tree and it save him, not only that but it happened twice. What did it triggered to get out like that?

But he also remember that, when those days that the flames came out he has a will inside him. A goal. He was looking for state of calm, happiness and will. He was always depress that His mother always neglect him, but the will on finding peace with his depressing thoughts, the will to find happiness was there and the Flames came out.

"No." Tsuna said and Shook his head. "I... It wasn't the first time I was expose to danger but, every time the flames came out... I always end up having a will. Willingness to find peace, willingness to calm and mostly willingness to be happy. With that Flames came out if me just then. But With what you saw earlier, I was willing to Protect the bird from those 3 bullies. So I guess the key there is a will to summon a flame." Tsuna explains.

Hibari seems doubtful at that. "I always protect Namimori but never felt Flames."

Tsuna shook his head. "Its not in Physical things, I think its more what you feel and think. So if you find something what you really, really wanted to do then you might as well summon yours. That's, if you had any." Tsuna said and smile warmly at Hibari.

"What I really want to do is to have those flames." Hibari said determined.

Tsuna seems to notice it but, every time Hibari is determine his eyes flash purple which Tsuna was confuse or just seeing Things.

"Hibari San, Does your Eyes Flashes Purple whenever your determine or exited?" Tsuna ask.

Hibari narrowed. "No." Hibari said and this Surprise Tsuna and seems Hibari Is confuse too with the question of Tsuna. Tsuna, his intuition told him that Hibari can summon flames too. Well Tsuna never Doubt Hibari from the very begining, Hibari is a demon child who's strong compare to a useless like him.

"Well, if you be patient and wish for it very hard then you can summon the flames you wanted. It take time, but I'm pretty sure you will summon it." Tsuna said and encourage the Raven.

The Raven just sigh and lean his back on the tree and close his eyes. He knows that threatening this Omnivore would be pointless since the Omnivore himself doesn't even know what are the flames are. Hibari wanted to learn it to be more powerful, and to bite those herbivores to death but if he really have those flames then all he need is to wait. The omnivore did got his flames as trial and error and maybe it would be the same as for him.

Hibari didn't know but when he fell asleep after thinking and waking up in the same tree while the Omnivore is leaning against his Shoulder asleep. He look at the omnivore who seems peaceful and calm. Somehow Hibari doesn't want to wake this Omnivore and the cute little bird was asleep too at Tsuna's palm.

But Hibari look at the sky and it seems they spend the whole afternoon sleeping without any disturbance which was a good sign for Hibari.

So he end up waking Tsuna up and saying its almost dark that Tsuna needed to get home. Tsuna nod but has one problem, he can't keep the yellow bird since his brother would probably kill it and Nana is allergic to feathers and furs. So Tsuna doesn't known what to do. He told Hibari his problem and it seems Hibari decided to keep the bird beside, Hibari is fund with Cute little Animal.

He won't just admit it out loud.

And Tsuna was happy with that.


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