Deadly Disease (#1)

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Cheryl wiped her mouth with a wet cloth, her eyes landing on a couple spots of blood what appeared on it. She squinted at in for a couple seconds, eyes fixed on  the once clean towel. She had been doing this for a couple days now. Constantly feeling the need to throw up or cough up blood. Recently though, it has been getting worse.

Every single day, hour, minute, second, she could feel a tingle in the back of her throat, causing the redhead to cough, continuously. That's probably what was causing the blood. The amount of pressure that she has been feeling.

Her throat was stinging with pain. Her stomach was aching, much worse then a regular menstruation cycle. Drinking water made it hurt worse, which confused her. She hated the feeling of normal sore throats, but this was way worse.

During school Cheryl was constantly caught running to the bathrooms. Some people took notice, some of which were Betty and Veronica. The two girls were always running after her, checking up with her to make sur she was still standing.

Cheryl always told them it was just a sinus infection or just a normal sickness, even though she knew for a fact that it wasn't even close to that. Luckily for Cheryl, the two didn't notice the blood that was on a couple tissues in front of them and smiled, placing their hands on Cheryl's shoulders, reassuring her that she would get better in a couple days.

She got worse.

The redhead had a major fever the next day and took a day off from school to stumble her way into the hospital. A nurse that was reading something off a clipboard, saw her clutching at her stomach and sprinting over, catching Cheryl as she fell towards the ground.

The next thing she knew was that she woke up in a random bed in the emergency room, tubes hooked up to her and an IV dug deeply into her vein. That cringed her out, she hated needles.

Blinking a few times, she fully opened her eyes to see a nurse standing in the corner of the room, talking to what seemed to be Cheryl's doctor.

"Great, you're awake!" He smiled, walking over and placing a hand on her head. "Still warm."

The nurse nods, writing her temperature down on the clipboard.

The doctor walks over to a counter full of equipment, grabbing a thermometer. "Open up."

Cheryl opened her mouth slightly, feeling the cold plastic in her mouth.


He sighs, taking the cap off of the thermometer and throwing it in the garbage. "We took a couple of tests while you were unconscious." His eyes met Cheryl's, shaking his head. "I'm sorry to say this, but we couldn't identify anything wrong."

"Shit." She whispered, tears threatening to fall from her already emotional eyes.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We are going to find what's wrong."

Cheryl nods, wanting to believe him. "I should have came here sooner."

"You didn't know, most people don't. They just believe that it is a normal sickness and will get over it." He smiles, walking toward the door with the nurse behind him. "Do you have anyone you want to call?" He asks, "Maybe a parent?"

Cheryl instantly shook her head.

"Okay... how about a significant other?"


There was the cough again, appearing more viciously this time. She gasped for breath as the doctor sprinted over, placing a hand on her stomach and the other on the back of her head. "It's okay. Breath. It's okay. Deep breaths."

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