•I'd Rather Drink Sodium Hydroxide, Malik.•

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The bell rings signalling I'm late for class. Stupid combination won't work. I read the paper once more before putting it in, and it still doesn't work.

"Need help, love?"

I nearly jump out of my skin. I look next to me to see Zayn. He's dressed in all black- as usual- and suddenly I wonder why his attire is so dark.

"Um, no. Ive got this," I say. I put the combination in once more, but ultimately failing.

"Fuck," I mumble. He chuckles, snatching the paper out of my hands and putting the combination in, opening my locker.

"Right, left, right." he says. I look at him and wonder how he knows considering in his previous years in school he never used a locker.

"Right," I say. I pull out my chemistry book and shut my locker. Just my luck that Zayn follows me.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I ask. He snorts. "Yeah, Chemistry actually. Room 208."

I mentally set myself on fire. Same class. Someone drop a steel tone on me already. I mumble profanities to myself. I promised Harry I'd be there early so we could partner up. He's probably stuck with some nerd. Oh wait, that'd be you, Mila.

We take a left at Room 208. Mrs. Young greets us as we walk in.

"Ms. Banks, you're late. That's unlike you."

I hang my head in shame. "Y-yeah, I couldn't get my l-locker open.."

She nods slowly. "And who is this young man with you?" I look back at Zayn. Ugh.

"I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik." He hands her his schedule. She looks it over before nodding in approval.

"Yes, that's right. You're on the roster.. Um, you and Mila can be partners."

My mouth drops to the ground. "What? No, there's a mistake. We cannot be partners."

Her mouth tugs a smile. "Ms. Banks, I'm sure a partnership with this young isn't going to kill you."

I roll my eyes. "You never know."

I find my way to my seat, across from Harry. "I hate this," I tell him. He only laughs and shakes his head. Zayn joins me soon after.

The teacher gives us instructions on what to do for the lab. I go get our equipment, setting it up. I slip on my safety goggles.

"Ready, partner?" Zayn says. I groan. "I'd rather drink Sodium Hydroxide, Malik."

He grins. "Nice, Banks."

I roll my eyes, starting this experiments hoping to get it over quickly.

I quickly finish the experiment with no help, thanks to Zayn. I write out the extended essay and hand it in. Right now, its quiet time and Zayn insists on pestering me about the Periodic Table.

"What's Na?" he asks. Surely, he can't be this stupid. "Shut up," I say.

"What's K?"

I roll my eyes. I refuse to answer him but he keeps tapping my shoulder. I look away at the element. Potassium, I think.


I turn to find myself inches away from him. My breath gets caught in my throat and my heart picks up the pace. I've never seen his eyes this close.. I can almost see the flexes..

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