•Am I Still Sleep? Cause Baby, I Must Be Dreamin'.•

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I open my Chemistry book. Obviously, I'm failing and I have no clue if what to do. Pops would be irate if he found out I wasn't getting straight A's. But its in a grandfathers nature. To have high hopes, I mean.

I look around at the greenery, surrounding me. Its lunch time and I'm not really hungry and its kind of hard to eat when the thought of an F is nauseating.

I turn to a fresh page in my notebook, ready to take down some notes and do a couple of reviews. I've always liked science, but this is just difficult.

"How's it going, Mills?"

I freeze. Nobody calls me Mills except— but he cant - No. Freaking. Way.

I slowly turn, looking up and hazel eyes greet my green ones. I nearly choke on oxygen when I see him. I frown.

"What are you doing here? I thought you moved to California."

He smirks. "Great to see you too, Mila."

I roll my eyes. This kid has annoyed me since we were kids. Whether it be be pushing me in mud or flip flopping on being my friend, that isn't cool. I avert my attention back to Chemistry. I cannot fail.

"Come on, Mills. What's that matter? I know you missed me."

I'm on the verge of gagging from his.. His.. Annoyance! Hes been in my presence less than 3 minutes and he's already stressing me out. He just doesnt stop.

"I believe I have a question on the table." I say, turning a page. I hear him chuckle. "Same old Mila.." He sighs. "Anyways, I came back. I couldn't stay away from you."

His tone is teasing and the smile on his face makes me irate. "Look, if you're back to annoy me, I will personally buy your plane ticket to go back."

He drapes his arm over my shoulder. "Oh Mila, you clever, clever girl. I like the new you.."

I fight the urge to pinch the hell out of him, but instead I sigh heavily and push him off. I start to pack my things and get ready to go.

He must get the message that I'm not please about his arrival in Florida. I'm sure people in Japan can see that I'm not pleased.

"Whoa, Mila.. You're really mad at me?" He sounds confused. And that's great because I can enlighten him.

"Yes, Zayn. I'm fucking irate! I don't like you! You annoy me, pester me, play these stupid mind games! And to follow up your next question, yes! I hate you, Zayn Malik!!"

I throw my bag over my shoulder and storm off. I go to the parking lot, looking for Harry's car. He should be here— he picks me up for lunch. My great bestie, he is.

He thinks the horn and I find immediately. I hop in the passenger.

"Hey Mila- Whoa, you look pissed. Who was it? Do I have to beat their ass?" He instantly frowns, and I miss those glimmering green eyes.

"No Harry.. Its just- Zayn's back. And more annoying than ever." I sigh, buckiling myself.

"Zayn's back? I thought that bloke moved to the West Coast."

I shrug. "Who cares. Can we go now? I'm starving."

A smile pulls on his lips and his dimples pop out. He puts the car in gear, and pulls out of the school lot.


I sigh. The glamour of being a high school teenager is overwhelming. Note the sarcasm. Too many parties for my liking and I'm not sure if you'd classify them as parties. More like sex crazed raves.

Living Love In Slow Motion (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now