•I'd Rather Use My Lungs As A Piñata. •

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I feel her move around. She groans as she tries to adjust on the bed. I'd brought us up here because the couch would crook our necks.

She jumps up as soon as she brushes against me. Her eyes nearly bulge out of her head as she stares at me in disbelief.

"No way. No fucking way!" She gets up almost tripping, finding her shoes. I frown, seeing that I just woke up.

"Whoa, Mills. Chill for a second." I say. She shakes her head frantically. "No! Why am I here?! Where's Harry?!"

I sit up, raking through my hair and trying to collect myself. I don't do good with the morning and I'm becoming high irritated.

"Would you just fucking chill for a second? Damn. You're so damn uptight, you don't know when someone's doing a damn good deed! You were dead ass drunk and you know I couldn't take you to Harry or your Pops because of that!"

I take a deep breath. I'm getting way out of control. "So before you go hating me, you should hate Harry for leaving you."

Her mouth gapes open. She blinks rapidly trying to conjure up some words but I cut her off before she can get started.

"Just go. And don't let the door hit you on the way out."

She stumbles over words, trying to tell me something but I'm not in the mood to hear it. I stand, pushing her to the exit.

"Zayn, I-"

I shake my head. "Save it, Mila. I don't care. I'm tired of being the bad guy,"

"That's not what i-"

I chuckle. "Y'know actually, I like being the bad guy. Get the fuck out. Now."

She leaves totally speechless and I slam the door. I wander to the window, seeing her walk away with her head hung low. The last thing I need is guilt eating me away so I decide to take a shower.


Louis cracks open another beer. I roll my eyes. I've never like drinking (last night was an exception). Yet, I smoke and do graffiti, and pretty much anything else that can get me in trouble.

"I'm just saying, mate, you probably shouldn't have said that." he says. I shrug. "I dont care. Can we not talk about this?"

He stares at me for a second, then laughs. "You know, most of thine I ask myself why I even put up with you,"

He gets up and so do I. This doesn't make sense. Why is he mad because I don't wanna talk about something? Louis is such a maze sometimes and I'm so tired of running it.

"Fuck off, mate," I say. He chuckles. "Whatever."

He walks away and I grab my keys and leave.

As soon as I get outside I decide to walk. I hate these situations. I'm always made out to be the bad guy and no one thinks to stop and check how I feel.

"Hey, Malik,"

I look up to find the source of the voice. Its that bloke, Harry. I walk towards him. "What?"

"What the hell happened with you and Mila?"

His scowl is vicious, but mine is worse at the mention of her name. "I don't fucking know. Why don't you ask her?"

I can tell he's already angry, plus his fists curling up at his sides is a plus. I feel my blood boil. I huff.

"Look, I dont know what your problem is but-"

"My problem?! Are you guys fucking serious?! I took her in because she was drunk and you were too busy dry fucking any girl you could get your hands on! I did nothing wrong!!"

At that moment, as if I had ninja reflexes, I dodged his punch. I shove him to ground. I kick his legs out of my way and begin walking the opposite direction when I'm pulled back.

If he wants to start a fight, a war he will get.



I glance out of my window. Its getting dark and Pops isn't home yet. Most kids would be estactic to be home alone. Me? Not so much.

My mind flashes back to that morning with Zayn. I didn't mean to be so..


Yep. Thanks brain.

I just couldn't believe that I had woken up next to him. For all I know he could have taken advantage of me.

But all that was cleared up when he snapped at me.

I catch a black figure walking up my driveway. I rush down to the door, noticing its Zayn. I open the door, but he takes a detour to the side of my house. I frown and shut the door.

What's his deal?

I go up to my room, but almost die of a heart attack when I see Zayn standing in front of my window.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask. My voice is shaky due to the pounding of my heart. He smirks and advances towards me until I'm backed against a wall.

He reeks of alcohol. A funny smirk spreads across his face. Those are the only words I've spoken to him since that day and his hands seem to have a mind of their own when the connect with my skin.

"Talk to me, you have to talk to me Mills." he whispers. I shake my head. "I'd rather use my lungs as a piñata."

He chuckles as he dips his head down into the crook of my neck. He leaves butterfly kisses making me feel fluttered. Zayn has never acted like this.

I push him back a bit. "Zayn,"

He let's out a laugh at nothing in particular. His legs moving faster than his brain can process (just a guess, I don't know), he falls back on my bed.

He kicks his shoes off, crossing his legs, and putting his hands behind his head.

"You don't know, Mila," he sighs. I stay in my spot still, not wanting any of what just happened to happen again. To see Zayn all 'lovey-dovey' is just plain disturbing.

"You're so oblivious. Everything I do is for a reason," he says. He sits up and leans again my headboard. "I came back for a reason," he pauses, then, "Ask me why."

"W-why?" My voice is small, careful not to trigger anything. Obviously, he's unstable at the moment.

A grin spreads across his face and he let's out a dry laugh. "I came back for you,"


Ooooo secrets!! Aren't they just juicy? Haha anywhore, I have this cool idea for the story so just hang in there with me. Also, you can follow me anywhere.
Twitter: @louistomaf
Tumblr: @zayngel-tomlinslvt
Kik: @fxreproof
—jojo xoxo

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