2. A Not so Heartfelt Welcome

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"I think I can help you with your resume," Nino told her

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"I think I can help you with your resume," Nino told her. "You are working on one, ain't it?"

Nydirah nodded her head quickly. As a business major, she tried to fill up her resume with all the things she could get just to look good. She did loads of volunteer work and anything else to make herself stand out to employers. Her after college plans included working for someone else for a decent amount of time before branching off and doing her own thing.

Ever since Nydirah was younger, she knew she wanted to be a fashion designer. She had all the skills it took and even began selling a few handmade pieces to those who wanted to buy, she knew next to nothing about business. If she wanted to open up her own store one day, it would be vital for Nydirah to know how to market her items and make them desirable to the general public without lowering her price point.

"Well, the governor looking for a receptionist at his office. You'll be doing regular receptionist shit, but they pay good. It's basically a sweet ass job," he explained.

"That sounds perfect," Nydirah smiled. She could use the extra pay for when she went back to school in September. "Um, so do I have to go down to the office or fill out something online?"

"I can take you there tomorrow. That's cool?"


Deep down inside, Nino felt bad. He loved his cousin, but he could care less about her resume. He had done his research and the government would be hosting a charity event at his New Orleans home in a few weeks. It would be a quick and easy kill because of the panic that would erupt through the home, but because the president would be in attendance, Nino needed the blueprints of the building.

That's where Nydirah would come in — he planned to borrow her keys to the office to snoop around and get all the information that he could. Risking her safety was the last thing he wanted to do, but business was business.

He always carried out his jobs.

Jonathan peeked inside the room, "The food is ready. Everything alright?"

"Yeah," Nydirah and Nino responded at the same time.

They walked to the dining, Nino's pace way faster than Nydirah's. One thing he loved about coming to his aunt's house was her out of this world cooking. He couldn't wait to indulge in a hot plate of pork chop, macaroni, collard greens, and cornbread. He also requested that she made her famous peach cobbler and he hoped she actually went through with it.

Nino prepared for the judgemental stares he would receive when Brandy asked him what he did for a living for the one thousandth time. He found it funny that they automatically assumed he was doing something illegal to make money. Though he didn't have an honest living, they didn't need to know that. He was sticking to his story that he was testing some things out to try to find out what he truly wanted to do. He shook his head while imagining the sly scoff Zonnique would let out when he gave his answer.

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