6. Another Day, Another Dinner

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Because she was absolutely craving seafood, Nydirah chose the Juicy Crab

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Because she was absolutely craving seafood, Nydirah chose the Juicy Crab. She invited Destinee as well as her sisters to tag along. Though she was reluctant that Zonnique would ruin the mood, she thought it would be a nice gesture. Nydirah even suggested that Nino ask Sevin and Orion to join them because she was set on getting to know them better.

In the car ride to the restaurant, Nydirah did a little bit of prying and found out how Nino and Sevin came to be friends. He told her how Sevin's mother contracted aids and passed away when he was younger. She instantly felt sympathetic because she couldn't imagine if she was in a similar situation. Brandy wasn't the ideal mother, but she managed to always keep safe through tough times.

She also contemplated on asking Aiyden to come, but by the time she mustered up the courage, he told her he wasn't able to make it and he would have to take her on a date sometime soon as an apology. Nydirah was slightly sad that he was unable to go, but that was only because she liked Aiyden a lot. Whether it was platonic or not, she wasn't sure but it was nice to have someone to text and call every night before bed.

He was normally busy, but he still made time for her. In Nydirah's opinion, that was a real man.

Sevin was late, of course, but he made it. Nino was in the middle of telling how Nydirah got the nickname "Duck" when Sevin walked in with a navy blue Moncler coat, white tee, and a pair of black skinny jeans. On his feet were white and red Alexander Mcqueen sneakers. Nydirah felt herself swooning and not because of the name brands he had on, but because of how much they cost.

Destinee leaned over to Nydirah with a smile on her face. "Oh, he got money money," she whispered, popping a shrimp into her mouth.

"I see," Nydirah whispered back.

"Congratulations," Sevin told Nydirah, his voice unusually monotone. "Orion couldn't make it."

Behind his flashy clothes, he looked drained of life. Nydirah suspected the death of Michael Jackson caused this and though she was unaware of the relationship they had, it was completely understandable. She appreciated that he made time to make it to her dinner despite whatever conflict there was in his head.

The table fell silent, nosily watching as Nydirah stood up to hug him. Everyone, including Sevin, was shocked. He wasn't much of a hugger so his awkward side hug couldn't compare to her bear hug at all. Destinee took the opportunity to sneakily record them and post it to her Snapchat story because Nydirah's ex still had her added on there. It was petty considering it happened so long ago, however, Destinee was a fiend when it came to being petty.

"Y'all are too cute," Nayeli cooed.

Nydirah offered a forced smile to her sister who obviously didn't know Nydirah's relationship to Sevin. He didn't looked bothered by what Nayeli was saying, just bored.

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