13. Raise Reason

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To say Nydirah felt good and looked good all at the same time was an understatement

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To say Nydirah felt good and looked good all at the same time was an understatement.

Destinee and Nayeli had spent nearly all day helping Nydirah get prepared for the Raise Reason charity event. Nydirah knew next to nothing about what would be going on there and what they were donating to, but she had to look presentable. She was sure she'd be one of the few black women
in attendance and though she didn't have a lot of money, she still wanted to make it look like she held a status of power like the many rich, white men that would be there. Plus, she wouldn't mind finding herself a sugar daddy — who didn't expect any sugar in return, of course.

Before her intense face beating session with Des and Nayeli's attempt at being careful while simultaneously forcing Nydirah into a dress, she was able to snap a few pictures of herself to send Sevin. She had to get his number from Nino who was reluctant to give it to her at first after she realized they never exchanged numbers. Nydirah decided on messaging him a video in her natural state because soon she would be almost unrecognizable with the makeup.

 Nydirah decided on messaging him a video in her natural state because soon she would be almost unrecognizable with the makeup

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Aye, don't get fucked up but where you going? - Sevin

She laughed a little too loudly, but wasn't given a chance to reply because he sent another text:

You goin' let daddy fuck you when you get back? I can pick you up because we ain't doing shit on yo sister sofa again. That's lil kid shit - Sevin

"Nydirah, bring your behind on. You forgetting I gotta do your makeup?" Destinee asked, poking her head into Nydirah's bedroom. This caused Nydirah to give a short and sweet response in agreement to Sevin. She was actually starting to rethink going out at all because she was feeling impatient with seeing him. Then she remembered how badly she was screwing up at her job the past couple of days. She couldn't afford to miss it.

But the hold Sevin had on her was indescribable. He was unlike any other guy she'd ever met because he was never set on impressing anyone. Even with his flashy clothes and diamond encrusted teeth, he still could care less what anyone thought of him. It was admirable for Nydirah because she had trouble with worrying about other people's opinions about her. She was always self conscious as a result to her parent's harsh judgement of her. She was slowly learning how to just stop giving a damn though.

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