Chapter Five

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        Hey guys. P.S. this will start from the time when the creature first arrives when Spottedowl is with Flamestar. Ok later people.



Spottedowl's {POV}

        We saw the creature step out of the shadow and I froze. At that instant I could tell exactly what it was. I knew without a shadow of a dout that this was the wolf. A fearsome creature, although the only thing I could see was the glint of fangs and shine of teeth. At that momet there was a great light and I saw a multitude of wolves. They were many different colors and designs. Some were brown, others black. At first they were lounging in, what looked like a camp. Then in a second flash of light I saw that they all stood together ready to fight. I could see the muscles rippling under their pelt. Their claws were glinting in the moonlight. On the other side of the clearing I could see a clan of cats, there was fear in the eyes of some, mixed with the escitement and thrill in others.

        Time stoped as a cat with stars in it's fur approched me. From the time I set eyes on her I knew that this was going to be a omen. This cat was Shiningdawn, my mother.

        Shiningdawn's life was taken away by an owl that was swooping down and grasped my sister in it's talons. Shiningdawn refused to let the owl take Stripedkit. She jumped onto the owl's back and tried to pin it down so that it would not be able to fly away with her kit. Her fights were in vain when the owl lifted off with Shiningdawn on it's back and Stripedkit in it's talons. As the owl took flight my mother didn't realize how high they were and the danger she was in. She swatted feircly at the owl trying to get her kit back. Shineingdawn never realized their hight untill it was to late. The owl swerved in an attempt to throw her off. These attempts succeded and when my mother landed with a thud, the thud resounded with the crack of bones, and a screech of fear that was cut short as Shiningdawn landed. I ran over to her, The owl had soared into the distance by now, and the cries of my sister were fading into nothing. My mother was alive, barely, when I arrived her breathing was labored and I could tell she was in pain. Her last few moments were spent telling me that she loved me. I had never known my father, but then Shiningdawn told me that my father was from Goldenclan. She said he had died honorably, protecting his clan from a hoard of foxes and is remembered as a great warrior. Shiningdawn derw in her last shakey breath and then let it out. After that moment she breathed no more, and at that moment I knew what it was like to be truely alone. I felt like there was no one left in the world who cared for me. Flamestar came over and wraped her tail around me. I buried my small face into her fur and cried. She comforted me and made me feel loved. I remember her kind words. Flamestar told me that she would always be with me and, as long as I wanted her to, she would stay in the nursery with me. Flamestar wasn't leader at the time, and was just about to be proclamed deputy later that moon. Her name was Flamefur. 

        As the memories played through my vision, I felt fur brush against mine. Shiningdawn was sitting beside me. When I snapped out of my daze the cats and the wolves were standing off, daring the other one to make the first move. The wolves chargedd first and were met soon after by the raging cats. As fang met claw, I could hear the crunch of bones being broken by powerful jaws. I could also hear a victoriious yowl as cats took down wolves. I could also hear the howl of triumph from some of the wolves. I knew that this battle woulld be bad. Very bad.

        "I'm so sorry to have to do this Spottedowl." Shiningdawn said

        "Sorry about what" I wondered alowed and stood to face her

        At that moment her form changed to that of a loving mother into a large snarling wolf. It's eyes were darker than the night itself and it was of unamigonaly large. The form that was once my mother, charged at me and tried to kill me. I doged just in time and the wolf missed. I knew that this was no longer my dear Shiningdawn, this was a demondish wolf that would take any advantage it could get to dewtroy me. I had never been given an omen before, but I knew that whatever hapened in Starclan could leave wounds in the world real world. As the wolf came at me again instead of side steaping, I slipped under its stoumach and clawed it's chest. I was not a good fighter, not at all, but after all I was a medicine cat. The blow was seemingly brushed off. A few minuates later more wolves joined the fight. The usually sweet voice of my mother was seemingly comeing from nowhere and everywhere  all at the same time, It was as if mom was in a trance like state. 

"Beware the ones who lurk in the shadows,

those overlooked,

those overpowered,

the wolf's last cry will ring through the night

its dreams won't have time to take flight

the first cry will bring the dawn

and the final will last forever long

only a small spark of hope will assist

the dark dawn will emmerge

and bring with it a mighty surge

only a wolf's last cry can peirce the nignt"

        The wolf had pinned me down and I let out a growl, it was low and threatining. The wolf steped on my leg and my growl stopped abruptly. I could tell that the wolf had injured my paw, badly. The wolf was about to kill me, but when it's jaws should have snapped on my throat I was thrown back into reality.

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