Chapter Twelve

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        Hey guys, hehe, I have been meaning to update, but, life happened, so. I have the Allegiances wrong and will fix them. Here’s what the changes are; Sparkpaw/female:Sparktail (I know that he is dead) Sparktail/male:Sparkpaw



{Rainkit’s P.O.V.}

        I had been laying in the nest with Wolfkit’s for a few hours while Spottedowl was cleaning Wolfkit’s wounds. After Wolfkit had been taken care of Spottedowl hobbled over to me. 

        “I need you to get up.” Shen said sweetly 

        “Why.” I asked

        “I need to be sure your okay and put cobwebs on you scratches.”

        I stood up with out reply and Spottedowl put marigold on the scratch down my side. As she was doing so I looked at her leg. It looked like she had redone the splint on her injured leg. Splint, thats a weird word. That was what Spottedowl called the thing on her leg. I could tell that she had been overusing her leg. I could feel the heat radiating off of it. The cobwebs that were holding everything in place were covered in blood once again.

        “You should stay off of it you know.” I said not looking away from her leg

        “I have so much to do, and everyone needs me. I can’t let everyone down.” She answered plainly

        "Stay seated, or laying down, or something. I will help you out around the camp.” Spottedowl stared at me with eyes of gratitude and I could tell that she would not object 

        “Until we figure out how to cure your lungs I think that maybe you should carry some herbs with you at all times.”

        “How would I do that? Wouldn’t that be hard to talk if I always had to cary herbs in my mouth.” Spottedowl sat there thinking for a while.

        “I’ll get back to you on that.” She said bluntly

        “Will Wolfkit be okay.”

        “I don’t know.” Spottedowl replied sadly

        I went back into the nest and laid down once again. Spottedowl was about to go and organize her herb storage when I stopped her and made her lay down in her nest. 

        "I’ll bring the herbs to your nest so you can organize them.”

        She obliged and I went into her stores and brought the supplies out to Spottedowl’s nest. Foxfang was still unconscious in another empty nest, but as soon as I laid down in my nest she slightly stirred. I jumped up immediately ran over to her despite the rasping that was still rattling in my chest. I stood over her and felt her head with my nose to check for fever, as Spottedowl had told me to do before. Since there was no sign of one I left the den and called out to Silverpool. She rushed over and covered me in licks. I led mom back to the den where Foxfang was. They were great friends and were very close to each other. Silverpool sat close to Foxfang and leaned down. She then whispered in her ear so quietly that I could barely hear what she was saying.

        “Foxfang your kits need you. They said that you hit your head and are unconscious, but I think that you can hear me. Your the only thing your kit’s have left, and one of them could really use your encouragement. Wolfkit need’s you. They all need you.” At the last sentence Foxfang stirred and opened her eyes. 

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