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I can’t believe the prom was a week ago, it seems like it was a year ago. It could've been a memorable evening, but it wasn't, except for the bad parts.

But I can live, I can go on, no matter what because no one deserve my time, if they don't give anything back.

When you realise that no one owes you anything, life become so much better, because you see that some really care about you while other don't,and you can choose friends better

Not people hurt you, but your expectations from them.

So at the first party, I didn't expect him to dance with me, but someone else(who didn't) and I started to appreciate him.

Then at the prom I expected him to dance with me, and he didn’t.

So my expectations hurt me. Since now I won't expect anything from anyone and it will be much better.

At the next prom you need a partner, so probably I won't go, since he was the only boy who kinda talked to me and this time I could bet he will invite someone else.

I give up on him, but is more like "maybe one day..." because is hard to find someone really kind.

Now I will finish with the love, at least I will fake it until I will make it.

If he ignores me, I will do the same, until I won't really care anymore.

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