You sound cute (Angel X Blind!Reader)

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Requested by @Ofc-Im-Grell :)

You walked down the streets of hell, listening closely to all the sounds of the hundreds of demons. You had to get somewhere today, something you didn't really do. You hated traveling in this, well, hellhole. You'd run into demons, and you'd pay. So, you avoided traveling at all costs. 

Oh, right, you're blind! When you got to hell, you lost your sight completely. As if living with sight issues wasn't bad enough, Hell completely took your sight. Nobody made anything for the blind here. No braille, no white canes. Nothing. You relied on your hearing and memory of the streets to get around. Most of the time, however, your dad would take you wherever you needed to be. 

Ah, your dad. Overdramatic, overprotective, and strict. "I don't want you hanging out with the wrong type of people!" he had said when you arrived here. He didn't seem to understand that literally everyone here was the wrong type of person. 

Thud! You jumped back and cowered a bit after you ran into someone. Your thoughts took over your mind again, and you lost track of where you were. "I'm sorry!" you promptly said after the demon gave you a quick scolding. "Eh," they replied. Something caught your attention. The voice was familiar. From somewhere. "What's your name?" you asked curiously. "Angel Dust, very busy porn star with no time for small-talk," he replied. "I thought it was you!" you said. "What, you couldn't recognise me?" the spider demon asked. You paused for a moment. "Yeah, um, I'm a bit lacking in literally all eyesight," you said. "You're blind?" Angel asked. "Yah," you replied. There was a moment of silence. "Test me if you don't believe me," you said, a daring tone in your voice. You stood still for a moment. "Holy shit you really are blind!" the porn star said in shock. "Told ya," you said with a shrug. "Seriously, how are you still here?" he asked. The careless, "aint nobody got time for you" attitude had disappeared and been replaced by pure curiousity. 

You and Angel carried on a good conversation as Angel led you through the streets of Pentagram City to the place he had a meeting. "I'm sorry, but I gotta leave ya here. I've got a meeting with a big kahuna at my studio, and he doesn't like strangers at meetings. I can give you my busin-" he cut himself off. "You know what? How about I just put my number in your phone?" he asked. "Sure!" you replied, pulling your phone out of your pocket. You held it out and felt Angel grab it, followed by the familiar robotic voice reading out the numbers as he entered them in. He handed the phone back to you and said goodbye before vanishing into the building. You took out your phone and called your dad so that he could pick you up and waited patiently for him.


"You shouldn't hang out with that guy. He's just bad news. Who knows what danger you could be in when you're near him?" your dad said, seemingly repeating himself. You could hear his footsteps, and from what you heard he was pacing as you sat on the couch. "Dad, we've been here for years. I am still here. I haven't died yet...or rather, again. I can take care of myself!" you argued, trying to look at him by judging where his footsteps were. The footsteps stopped. "Do you mean you have been around demons like him?" he asked, an overprotective tone in his voice. "Yes. And I'm still here. So, trust me," you said, trying to sound calm. "I can trust you, but I can't trust anyone else here," your dad said in response. With a sigh you stood up and walked to the kitchen based on memory only. You felt for the fridge and opened it, grabbing a familiar-shaped can of soda. You opened it up, took a sip, and placed it on the dining room table confidently. "See dad? I can go to the kitchen, grab a soda, open it, AND put it on the table, without a drop spilled. Sometimes you can't even do that. So, I can take care of myself," you said, trying to make a point. "A soda isn't a fricken porn demon!" you dad argued. You felt two hands on your shoulders and were about to smack them away out of instinct, but relaxed when you felt you dad's familiar warm hug. "Dad, please. I can take care of myself. I trust you with my life, and whatever kinda life this is. Please trust me too," you said with a soft tone in your voice as you hugged your dad. You heard a sigh. "Fine. But if anything, and I mean ANYTHING happens to you, call me immediately. Understand?" your dad asked. "Yes, dad," you replied. 


You walked to the Hellfire Cafe, a new excitement lighting a fire in you. You had recieved a call from Angel Dust the day before, asking to get coffee together. Your dad luckily wasn't stalking you, at least as far as you knew. At least he finally trusted you. You smelled a strong scent of coffee, and turned to enter the building. You heard lots of voices, so you used your hands to make sure you weren't going to run into anyone or anything. "Hey (y/n)!" you heard Angel call out to you. You turned to where you heard him and started walking. "Ah, stop, you're at the right table," Angel said to you. You heard a chair slide and felt two hands guiding you to the chair, still on your shoulders as the chair slid back to the table. "So, how ya been?" Angel asked as he sat back down. "Pretty good. My dad decided he could trust me enough to go out with another demon, so I feel less like a child," you explained. "That's good," Angel replied. "How are you doing?" you asked him. "I've been better. I'm lucky enough to have convinced my boss to let me come here," he explained. "Whaddya mean?" you asked. "My boss is kind of a stick in the mud when it comes to letting me be anywhere other than the studio," Angel explained. 

You two had a nice conversation and coffee, followed by a walk back to Angel's workplace. Pretty much the whole time, he had one hand on your shoulder and another on your back. You felt there was more of a connection than just friends. "I never really asked, what do you look like?" you asked Angel. "Oh boy...well, I am a spider demon with two sets of arms and two legs, but I can sometimes pop out my other two arms when I need to. I have mainly white hair, with some light pink, and one of my eyes are white and pink, the other one is black and pink," he explained to you, and you built a mental picture of him as he explained his appearance. When he got done, you had a full picture of him in your head. "You sound cute," you remarked. "And you are," Angel replied, pulling you closer to him. You smiled and held one of his four hands. This was something you hadn't really felt often here in hell. Pure happiness. 

I hope you enjoyed! This was a really awesome and unique request, so thank you @Ofc-Im-Grell! I hope this was good...I feel like it wasn't, but maybe because I've written some really long chapters recently :) Anyways, feel free to request for now guys, and please vote and follow :) Have a great day!

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