Chp- 3

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Andy POV.

I woke up early today, I don't know why but anyways, I got dressed and went to the kitchen, made some pancakes since I still have time to go to the restaurant.

I sat and ate my breakfast, I really feel lonely sometimes living in this apartment alone, I miss my family, I wonder how they are doing....

Anyways I got my things, locked my apartment and headed to my workplace.

Soon I reached to my work place.

"Hey Andy good you are here, you need to work a little extra cause Caleb didn't came today okay" my boss said.

"What why?" I asked.

"Caleb is not well so he took a day off, and you know our restaurant is so busy today, so you have to work extra hours" he said.

I signed, "okay fine" I said and started working.

While working I felt like someone is watching me weird but anyway I shrugged it.

I took the garbage bag and went backside to throw it in the bin.

After I threw the garbage I heard a crack noise from somewhere, I walked towards the noise,

"Hello? Who is there ?" I asked.
No reply.

I walked towards the wall, I looked behind it no one was there.

But I know I heard something for sure.

Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jumped screaming.
I turned around and saw my boss.

"Andy what are you doing here, get back to work there are lots of customers waiting" he said

"Oh god, you nearly gave me a heart attack boss" I said, signing in relief.

He had a confused look on his face.

"Nothing boss, I will get back to work now" I said and went inside.

It's quite late now, I cleaned everything up, putting the chairs on the table and all.

Finally I have done my work, I changed my clothes.

"Bye boss, bye guys see you tomorrow goodnight" I said to everyone and headed outside.

It was dark outside, I was walking.

Suddenly a van came towards me,
2 men came out, they looked like people from "Men in black" movie.

They came towards me, I took a step back. But they grabbed my arms and shoved me in the van.

I tried fighting them, but they were stronger than me.

"L-Let me go" I was screaming and trying to kick them.

Then someone put a handkerchief on my mouth and everything went black.

I woke up in a different room, I rubbed my eyes getting up with a confused face. Then I remember last night, I started panicking.

Oh no I am kidnapped, oh my god who kidnapped me ? Why ? What do they want from me? I am so scared.

Suddenly the door opened, I began to shake slightly.

A blonde guy entered the room with one more boy he had black hair he was taller than the blonde one.

I scooted backwards on the bed, trying to get invisible.

I looked at them then I realized I have seen them somewhere.

"Y-You both.... you came to the restaurant yesterday right...." I asked them shuttering.

"Hey don't be scared of us, we won't hurt you" the blonde said.

"My name is Brooklyn you can call me Brook and this is Jack" he said.

"Hey Andy it's okay calm down" Jack said.

"W-What do you want from me?
"Why did you kidnapp me ?
"Who are you people?" I asked them.

"Andy calm down.... I know you must be confused your questions will be answered soon" Jack said.

"But first here eat this you must he hungry" brook said.

I shaked my head saying no

"Andy this is not poised" brook said and took a bite "see?" He added.

I didn't say anything.

Brook signed, "Fine, when you feel hungry eat it I will leave it here" brook said and left it on the table beside the bed.

"There are clothes in that wardrobe for you, at 6pm be ready boss wants to meet you" Jack said.

"Boss? Your boss? What does he wants from me?" I asked them.

"You will know soon just be ready at 6pm, and he doesn't like people who are late, so be on time, I will come to pick you up" Jack said.

I signed in frustration.

They went outside, probably locking the door.

As soon as they left, I started crying.

I want to go home.....


Wonder what will happen next ?

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