Chp- 4

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Above pic, The way Rye looks at Andy oh damn that's pure love bitch ! 🥺❤
Anyways back to the story ;)

Andy POV.

My eyes are burning now after crying so much, I looked at the clock its 5PM.
I should change my clothes and get ready to meet their stupid boss. Before that I should take a shower.

I walked towards the bathroom and opened it woah you gotta be kidding me this room is so big, I went inside the shower turning it on, letting hot water touch my bare skin, I let out a sign of relief, after sometime I got out.

I went towards the wardrobe and opened it, woah why are there so many clothes, I took one hoodie and Jean's.
I wore it oh wow it fitted me perfectly as if it was brought for me. But how do they even know my size strange.

I got ready and sat on the bed waiting for Jack. The door opened and Jack came in. He looked besides the table at the plate which is still untouched by me

He was gonna say something but stopped and signed.

"Come on let's go" he said and walked out of the room.

I followed him, while walking I took a look at the surrounding, this place looks like a mansion, I bet the owner is very rich.

We stopped infront of a room which looked like a office or their working place.

"Knock before you go in" Jack said.

I took a deep breathe and knocked.

"Come in" a voice said from inside.

I slowly went in, Jack waited outside. There was a man sitting on the chair facing towards the window I couldn't see his face, "Sit Andy" he said.

I sat down on the chair infront of me.

He turned around and I gasped.

"Y-You.... so you are the asshole behind this Mr. Blue suit" I said in shocked

"What ? What did you say? Mr.Blue suit" He said chuckling.
"Yeah cause I don't know your name and you wore blue suit yesterday" I said slightly blushing.
"My name is Rye Beaumont" he said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't give a fuck, just tell me what do you want from me ? Why the fuck did you kidnap me?" I asked him raising my voice.

He smirked, "I want you" he said,
I blinked my eyes in confusion,
"Excuse me? What?" I asked

He leaned back on his chair,"The first time I laid my eyes on you, I fell in love with you, so now you belong to me" he said.

Like what ? Is he fucking serious, he just said something like that so easily like it's a normal thing to say.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I am not a god damn property that you claim to be yours" I spat angrily.

"You are my property I get anything I want, so now I wanted you and I have you" he said.

I snorted, "Great I am being kidnapped by some psychopathic Jerk" I said sarcasticaism dripping out of my mouth with every word.

He got up from his chair and came towards me, "Now now you don't talk to your owner like that right little one?" He said.

"Fuck off, who do you think I am ? A pet? Go to hell asshole" I said angrily.

Suddenly my jaw was grabbed harshly, he leaned down towards me. His eyes piercing through mine.

"How dare you talk to me like that boy, do you know who I am !?" He said, his face was turning red. Not gonna lie I feel scared now.

I gulped, "let me go jerk" I said trying to pull my jaw out of his grip, but he tighten his grip.

"Listen you little piece of shit, I am Rye Beaumont world's most dangerous Mafia and you do not talk to me like that, got it!? You are my mine now, my pet and you will behave as I tell you to" he said angrily coming closer to my face.

My eyes widen in fear, oh no what mafia, what did I got myself into !?
I am kidnapped by a Mafia Jerk

I nodded in fear, I feel numb, I need to process this quickly.

"Good" He said and left my jaw, ouch I rubbed it.

"Jack ! Come in" he said,

"Yeah?" Jack said coming in,
"Take him back to his room and bring him down at dinner time" Rye said.

I still couldn't move, Jack grabbed my arm and dragged me out with him up towards "my room".

"Andy I will come back later okay and please behave don't make rye angry, trust me you won't like to face an angry Rye" he said.

I just nodded, looking down soon he left and I fall down on the bed, I looked up to the ceiling thinking about what's happening with me, yesterday I was having such a normal life and now here I am with some psychotic jerk, who is obsessed with me.

I need to think of a plan to get away from here, I can't be weak and cry like a baby it's not gonna get me anywhere.
I need to make a run away plan soon....


Don't forget to vote babies !!!

Kidnapped by a Mafia Jerk (Randy) Where stories live. Discover now