Chp- 22

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Andy POV.

I woke up and looked besides me Romeo wasn't there, suddenly I jolt awake !

This room isn't my room, but this room looks similar to me ! Wait.... am I really back here? It wasn't a dream !? Oh no...
I tried to get up but I felt dizzing and sat on the bed again as my head started hurting.

The door opened and I saw Rye.
I just kept staring at him in shock and a little scared.

He marched towards me.
"You are finally awake" he said smiling and put his hand on my cheek.

I smacked his hands away and held his collar and pulled him down closer.

"Where the fuck is my son !?" I asked him angrily.
"Chill babe, he is fine" he said.
"Take me to my son right now !" I shouted.
"Okay baby okay, just calm down" he said.

I stared at him angrily.

He removed my hands from his shirt and started walking out and I followed him.

Soon we reached a room and he opened it. There he was my son playing with toys.

He looked back at me.

"Papa !" He said and came running towards me. I picked him up and started prepping him with kisses all over his face and he was giggling.

"Papa look car !" He said showing me a car in his little hands
"Its nice baby" I said to him.

Rye was looking at both of us smiling.

He came to hug us both but I put a hand on his chest.
"Don't" I said sternly.

I need to talk with him. So I put Romeo back down and he started playing again.

"We need to talk" I said to Rye.
He nodded and we went out of the room towards his office.

This place haven't change at all it's still the same place as it was 2 years ago.

We entered his office and sat down.

"What the fuck did you do with Sam !?" I asked him angrily.

"Nothing we just left him in that apartment passed out" he said shrugging.

"Are you seriously!? How can you do that!" I said angrily

"You should be happy that I didn't kill him" he said a little pissed.

He is right. I know Rye's temper and him not killing a person when he is angry is very rare.

I signed.

"Look Rye.... why are you doing this, I... I don't want to be with you, why can't you understand" I said but calmly.

"Andy I love you" he said and came sat besides me

"I know in the past I have treated you badly, very badly.... but I am sorry for what I did.... I know a sorry will not change anything but please give me a chance Andy" he said taking my hands in his.

I pulled them away and stood up.

"Rye.... I can't.... it's not only about me but Romeo too, I... I don't want Romeo to be raised up in a gang please" I said.

"I just want my son to have a normal life and nothing else" I added.

"Andy I promise to give him a normal life" he said.

"You don't get it Rye ! Your world is full of danger.... I can't let my son be raised here !" I shouted.

"Andy.... I know that, but I know I can protect you both, I have the capacity to protect you both, I would have not brought you back here if I wasn't that capable" he said.

I looked at him angrily. He doesn't get it

"I hate you Rye, I will never love you" I said angrily.

"I will make it up to you Andy I promise" he said.

I turned back to go out of the room but Rye grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards his chest and kissed me passionately.

His kiss feels different.... it's trying to show me the love he have for me. He kept kissing me for some minutes and I couldn't find myself stepping back or shoving him away.

But then I realized what I was doing and shoved him back and wiped my lips.

"Fuck you ! Don't you ever touch me again ! I hate you !" I shouted.

He pulled me towards him by my waist our faces were inches away from eachother I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"Andy....I am sorry, but... you and Romeo are my world now..... no matter how much you try to push me away.... I will always come back to you, I am in a deep love with you" he said looking deep into my eyes.

I don't know what to say, I feel like he is saying the truth.... but no he is an asshole and nothing else he just wants me for his pleasure and Romeo cause he is his son who will be able to take over his gang in future....I cannot forgive him

I pushed him away and ran to Romeo's room with teary eyes.

I pushed the door open and went to Romeo and sat besides him.

He looked at me and wiped my tears, I didn't realized I was actually crying.

"Papa why cry ? you sad?" he asked me.

"Nothing baby papa is fine, papa is not crying just dust went in papa's eyes" I said to him and kissed his forehead.

He nodded and slept on my lap.

I started stroking his hair and singing his fav song, soon he fell asleep.

Someone opened the door and I looked up to see.....



Who came into the room ?

What will happen now ?


Love ya babies 💕

Until next time

Kidnapped by a Mafia Jerk (Randy) Where stories live. Discover now