Chp- 21

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You know guys, I actually bunked my lectures from the past 2 days to write these chapters !!! So you gotta vote for it !!!

Andy POV.

"Hello Andy missed me ?" The person infront of me said. I moved backwards in shock. That person was Rye, like is he real? Am I dreaming? The person I ran away from 2 years ago is standing infront of me !?

He entered my house.

"What happened An-
Oh you ? Hey what are you doing here?" Sam said.

I am confused he knows him !? How ?

"Oh Andy remember I told you a guy took care of Romeo when he got lost, this is the guy" Sam said.

I feel like I'll faint now, he met Romeo !?
But.... does he know he is his son.....?

I didn't say a word.

"Oh by the way I am Sam, we never got to introduce ourselves that time" Sam said coming to shake hands with Rye.

"I am Rye, Rye Beaumont" Rye said and looked at me, I gulped.

"Papa...." we heard a little sound and all turned towards the sound.

Romeo came out rubbing his eye and looked at us.
Oh no he called me papa.... shit...

"Hey Romie, come here" Sam said.
Romeo walked towards us and he looked at Rye.

He smiled at him brightly.

"Hey little one, remember me?" Rye said as he walked towards Romeo.

But I instantly picked Romeo up.
"Umm.. h-he needs sleep, I'll go" I said.

But Rye grabbed my arm. I gulped.

"Mikey....." he whispered something in his ears.

Mikey nodded and took Romeo from my arms.

"W-Wait, give him back, where are you taking him" I shouted.

"Hey Romeo wanna eat some ice cream" Mikey said, and Romeo nodded ofc he did he loves Ice cream.

"W-Wait No S-" I was gonna say but I stopped when Rye looked at me angrily.

Mikey took Romeo out.

"Umm.... am I missing something here?" Sam said.

"Sam.... he...."I said looking down.
I think Sam realized what I was gonna say cause his eyes widened.

"You !? You son of a bitch, you were the one who hurt Andy !? I'll kill you" Sam said marching towards Rye but Sonny grabbed him and held him in place.

"Leave him !" I said.
Rye's eyes snapped towards me and I back away, he took a step forward and I took a step back till my back hit the wall and I jumped a little.

He put his both hands besides my head trapping me inside, I gulped nervously.

"So.... what did you thought Andy ? It's been 2 years so I won't look for you? I have been searching for you everywhere and finally today I found you" he said stroking my cheeks.

"Don't you touch him asshole !" Sam shouted. Rye looked at him and smirked

"Looks like your boyfriend is mad" Rye said.

He started stroking my cheeks again
"How can you do that to me Andy ! Not only you ran away from me but you also took my son away from me ! And now you choose that idiot as his step father!?" He shouted and I flinched.

Kidnapped by a Mafia Jerk (Randy) Where stories live. Discover now