Chp- 19

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Romeo in the above picture just in case you forgot....

And Sorry guys but there are many POV. In this chapter.


Andy POV.

I woke up and freshen up, did my daily chores and got ready for work.

"Hey Andy, today I'll take Romeo out to the park to play and have some fun" Sam said.

I smiled, "Sure have fun you both and keep an eye on Romeo don't let him wander anywhere alone" I said.

"Yes mom !" He said.
I laughed and kissed Romeo's head before heading to my workplace.

Sam Pov.

Me and Romie got ready, I took my wallet, cell phone and picked him up.

I locked the door.

"So shall we go" I asked Romeo.
"Yes !" He said enthusiastically.
I chucked and we headed towards the park...

We finally reached here.
Romeo started playing on the swings and slides I kept looking at him smiling at how adorable this kid is. He is a very sweet and smart child.

From the day I came to know about Andy, I felt so bad for him, no one deserves to be treated like that, he is such a strong person, I kind off fancy him.

And the day Romeo was born, I just couldn't explain my feeling, he was so cute and adorable(he is still), I still remember when I looked at him and held his hand. He immediately held my finger with his little hands not letting it go. I smiled to myself.

From that moment I swear to myself that I'll take care of this child as my own son....

Romeo came running towards me snapping me out of my thoughts.
I picked him up.

"Tired Romie?" I asked him, he nodded.
"Do you want ice cream?" I asked him.
He smiled brightly "Yes !"
I chuckled, I know Andy told me not to spoil him and give him anything but one time is okay right?

We headed towards the ice cream stall.
"One chocolate ice cream cone please" I said to the lady.
She nodded smiling.
I took the ice cream and put Romeo down giving him the cone so that I could pay for it.

"Thankyou" I said paying.
I looked down and Romeo was no where to be seen.
I looked to my right and left I couldn't find him, I started panicking...
"ROMEO ! where are you baby" I started shouting and searching for him.....

Rye POV.

We are finally done with the deal.
"Come on let's chill for a while" Mikey said stretching his arms.
"Fine" I nodded.

Me, Mikey and Sonny we all decided to take a walk in the surrounding.
We reached a park while chit chatting.

I bumped into something I looked down and saw a little boy, he had ice cream in his hand and was about to cry.

I kneed down to his height.
"Hey little one, what happened? Where are your parents? Are you lost?" I asked him.

He nodded and started sobbing.
"Don't cry baby your parents must be here somewhere" I said wiping his tears.

I picked him up.
"Baby eat your ice cream while we look for your parents"

He started licking his ice cream.
He is so cute, he kinda looks like someone.... ( A/N : Idiot he is your Son)

He have blue eyes just like Andy's and his lips are also slightly plump like his.
What if he-

"ROMEO !" I heard someone shouting and running towards us.

"I am sorry" he said taking "Romeo" from my hands and hugged him.
"Oh my god, Romeo you scared me to death" he said.
"Don't run away anywhere like that again" he added.

He looked at me and smiled.
"Thankyou for taking care of him" he said.
"You should be more careful, you are lucky we are good guys" I said to him.
He nodded.

"Yeah I actually put him down for a minute to pay for ice cream and this little rascal ran away" he said looking at the kid pinching his little nose.

Romeo giggle. His giggle kind off sounds like Andy's, but no this person seems to be the kids dad so I don't think he is Andy's child.

"I have never seen you here before mister?" He said.
"Yeah I came here to look for someone who is precious to me" I said.
"Oh I see what happened to them?" He asked.

"That person went missing 2 years ago and I am searching for them cause I love them too much" I said.

"I hope you find your lover soon then" he said smiling.

"Yeah I hope so too" I said a little sadness in my voice was visible.

"Don't worry, there is a saying that if you love someone truly you will find them one day no matter how much time it takes" he said.

I smiled at him.

I stepped towards them.
"We gotta go now little one, don't wander off anywhere alone again okay" I said pulling his cheeks lightly.

He nodded giggling, he really reminds me of Andy alott.... I miss my boy.

It's fine I am done with the deal and I am gonna start looking for him and my child....

I waved at Romeo and headed back to my hotel room.....

Andy POV.

I am finally home as usual Romeo jumped on me giggling and I kissed his head.

"You are finally home" Sam said
"Yeah" I said entering the house.

We went to the living room
"So did you guys have fun today?" I asked them.

Both of them nodded... but Sam started scratching his neck. Something definitely happened.

"What happened spill it" I said.
"Well.... while having fun Romie kind off got lost" he said. My eyes widened.


"H-Hey calmn down ! It wasn't my fault I just put him down to pay for an ice cream and he ran away" he said.

I stared at him angrily.

"But.... I found him..... 3 guys took care of him they were nice" he said.

I signed. "How can you be so careless" I said.

"Hey I am sorry okay ? Besides those guys were really nice, they weren't from here, specially the guy who picked Romeo was very kind  I felt bad for him though"

"Why?" I asked him confused.

"His lover went missing some years ago and he is still looking for them and he was pretty sad about it, he misses them alott" Sam said.

I nodded in understanding.

"Oh... I see, fine thanks to that guy for taking care of my baby and I hope he finds his lover soon" I said and went to make dinner.....


This chapter is pretty big right ?

You gotta vote for such a big chapter.

Love ya babies ❤

Until next time 💕

See you on the shocked side !!!!

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