Chp- 8

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I literally screamed when I saw this video of Rye picking up Andy 😍
Like omg he is such a caring boyfriend !!!!😍❤

And sorry there is changes in POV. In this chapter💕
Anyways enjoy ❤

Rye POV.

It's been 2 days since Andy ran away.
I have been very angry and frustrated since then, I literally yell at everyone who comes to talk to me.
I need Andy, I can't stay without him.

Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in" I said.
Mikey came in.

"Yeah whatever it is say fast" I said annoyed.

"Rye we found Andy" Mikey said.

I stood up from my chair happily.
"What !? Really ?" I asked him.
He nodded smiling.

Finally, "okay go and get the car ready we will leave in 10 minutes" I told him.
He nodded and went out.

I smirked to myself, Andy baby you really thought you can get away from me so
easily, no matter what happens I will always find you even if it takes 10 or 20 years.

Andy POV. 

I was sat on my bed, reading a book which adum gave me just to skip the time. I heard the door open.
Ella walked in.

"Hey brother, can I ask you something" she said.
I put my book down on the table besides the bed.

"Yeah say" I said.
"I...I... well I want to paint your nails.... only if you don't mind...." she said nervously

I smiled at her, "Okay Ella I like nail polish, so you can paint my nails I don't mind" I said, she looked up to me and chirps happily.

She soon brought 2 nail paints coloured  black and red and started painting my nails.

She was painting them with such a concentration, the way she would narrow her eyes a little while painting the corners it looked so cute. I smiled at her cute reaction.

"Done" she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I gasped,
"Wow Ella, you did it so beautifully !!!"

It was quite a simple nail art but it looked very beautiful besides a 12 years old girl making this kind off design is really amazing.

(A/N : The nail art Ella did on Andy's hand. Imagine Andy with this nail art ooof....)

"Thankyou so much Ella ! I love it !!!" I said and hugged her

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"Thankyou so much Ella ! I love it !!!"
I said and hugged her.

"Your welcome" she said and smiled
"I will go and check on Emily she is playing outside" she said and went out.

Meanwhile I kept admiring her work.

Rye POV.

We finally reached to a wooden house, it was quite beautiful, as we reached near I saw a little girl playing outside.

I went towards her and bend my knees to reach her height.

"Hello little girl, you are so cute" I said to her smiling. She smiled back and took my face in her little hands.

I couldn't stop smiling. I picked her up and she started giggling.

Suddenly a man came out of nowhere.

"Hello, who are you, what are you doing here" he asked..

"Oh nothing I am looking for someone who is precious to me, he got lost in the woods few days ago" I said, still not putting the kid down.

"Oh I see, my name is Adum and this little girl is my kid, so can you....umm give her back" he said.

"Have you seen a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes anywhere" I asked him.

"N-No I didn't, no one came here" he said, I know he is lying. I smirked.

I stroked the little girl's cheeks,
"Your daughter is very cute" I said.

"I-" he was gonna say but another little girl came running and cut him off.

"Daddy, Emily I painted An-" she was gonna say, but adum guy stopped her.

"What? What was she saying" I asked

"Nothing she is silly... Ella go inside now and take your sister too" she said.

She nodded, Adum was gonna come to take the little girl from my arms but I removed my gun while holding the girl.

He panicked, "Hey man listen, She is just a kid let her go please" adum said.

The little girl got scared and ran inside the house.

"I feel like you are hiding something from me and I hate liars" I said looking at the little girl in my arms who was playing with my ears not understanding what's going on...

Andy POV.

"Andy ! Andy ! Andy!" Ella came running to my room crying and scared.

"What happened baby? Why are you crying" I asked her while wiping her tears.

"There.... outside, A M-Man came and he have picked E-Emily and he have a g-gun..." she said and cried more.

What!? I am shocked and scared, did he find me !? I think it is Rye, oh no I quickly ran downstairs and went out.

I saw Rye I was right.... he looked at me and smirked.

"Well well well someone is finally here" he said.

"Andy go in why did you come out !?" Adum whispered to me.

"It's okay adum" I said. I looked at Rye.

"Let her go Rye she is just a little kid." I said.

"Sure I will... but only on one condition you will have to come back with me and this time you will not disobey me" he said. I froze.

I don't want to go back with him, I hate him but I looked at Emily she is so small, then I looked at adum he is such a sweet guy he doesn't deserve this he already took good care of me this past days, then I looked behind where Ella was standing near the door who was scared and crying her eyes out.

I signed, "F-Fine I will come with you" I mumbled. I started walking towards him.

"What!? Andy no don't do this" adum said stopping me.

I moved his hands "Adum I have troubled you enough, you don't deserve this, emily doesn't deserve this she is very small , that's the only way to save her I am sorry" I said and walked towards Rye.

I took Emily from his arms kissed her head and put her down. She ran towards adum. Adum picked her up and hugged her.

I smiled at them sadly.
"Bye Adam, Ella and Emily" I said.

Rye grabbed my arms and dragged me out from there towards his car.

I looked back one last time towards the little family who were sadly looking at me.

Rye shoved me inside the car, sitting next to me and soon we started to head back to the mansion, to my hell hole.....


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Love ya ! Until next time💕

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