7. Lockdown

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Melchior collided into them in the hallway.

"Devi, where have you been? Who is this?" Melchior asked, gawping at the sight of Ryder – still covered in blood and filth.

"Melchior, slavers are inside the perimeter." Devi told him, speaking fast.

"What are you-?"

"They attacked my jeep last night. Come outside and take a look at it."

Melchior shook his head. Struggling to process what he was being told.

"But... that's impossible," he countered. He frowned at Ryder. "Those are vampire bites. Who is this guy? Where did you-"

"Melchior, listen to me!" Devi raised her voice. "Slavers have got through the fence. You need to contact the watch towers. NOW!"

"Devi what you are saying is impossible."

Devi grabbed Melchior's arm and dragged him outside to see the jeep.

"See?! I was attacked. And I found Kamil's jeep by the outer fence. I think he was attacked too."

"There isn't much time." Ryder spoke up, his voice rumbling and deep. "A warning needs to be sent out."

Melchior had gone very pale. He stared at the jeep – bewilderedly taking in the sight of the smashed windshield. Devi thrust Kamil's ID badge into his hand. Mutely, he glanced down at it.

Ryder studied Melchior's profile, trying to gauge what he was thinking. Still looking slightly lost, Melchior inclined his head gesturing for them both to follow him back inside.

"Right," Melchior ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't really understand what's going on." He admitted. "But this is, at the very least, a code B security alert. I'll send the message out. You two, lock down the outpost – we need to turn this place into a fortress. If this is real – protocol states that we need to lock down and defend the outpost until we receive further orders." He handed Devi a key. "This will open the armoury."

Melchior headed upstairs to the radio. He paused on the top step and half-turned to address Ryder.

"You, errr, the first aid kit is in the kitchen."

Ryder nodded his head.

"Thank you, sir."

Melchior disappeared from view and Ryder followed Devi around the ground floor. Working quickly, they lowered the iron shutters over the windows – blocking out all sunlight. Ryder clicked on the lights in the rooms whilst Devi alarmed all the doors. He heard the hiss of pistons as the steel bolts slammed shut on the doors front and back – sealing them in. The outpost was on lockdown – no one was going to get in or out. 

Ryder's Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. He was trapped inside and he didn't like that feeling. A memory resurfaced, of him and Gabriel in the back of the armoured van. The walls had seemed to close in around him and his master...

"How I've missed you, sweet one." Gabriel's voice crooned, wrapping around him. 

"Creven?" Devi called his name, her hand on Ryder's arm. "Are you ok?" The touch of her hand pulled him from the threatening onslaught of memories.

"I don't like being shut in." He admitted, his voice rough. A sheen of sweat gleamed on his forehead and he was breathing shakily.

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