38. Clean Blood

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Lucjan put his fingers together, in a thoughtful steeple, his expression pensive. Sat across from him was Mason Ryder – the little brat that he'd removed from Gomorrah's city orphanage. Mason stared morosely up at him.

"Drink," Lucjan ordered, referring to the milk that he'd set down in front of the toddler. But Mason didn't move. His little mouth shrank as he chewed on his bottom lip. 

It was the boy's eyes that unsettled Lucjan the most. They were cold eyes. Old eyes.

Grey eyes.

'I'm coming for his heart...'

Lucjan flinched and got up suddenly. He paced the room – disquieted. Like a tiger sensing danger and circling its cage.

"Captain?" Frederick addressed him. The loyal vampire was stood in the shadows of the office, reading his master's irate expression. "Say the word and I can take him away. I can place him in a home outside of the city. Under a different name."

Frederick took half a step forward, anticipating Lucjan's approval. But, scowling, Lucjan shook his head. "Why not? It might be in the kid's best interests." A new name – an escape from the connection to Ezra Ryder... 

Lucjan turned to stare out of the window.

"It's my interests that I'm thinking about."

Lucjan swallowed the foul taste that had risen in his mouth. He turned his head and studied the strange solemn child. "Drink," he barked. Mason trembled. The little boy slowly picked up the sippy cup with two hands and brought it to his mouth. He drank clumsily, a small amount of milk dribbling down his chin. Lucjan rubbed his tired eyes.

"You intend to keep him here?" Frederick asked, incredulous.

Lucjan sighed. He crossed the room and took the now empty cup from Mason's hands – setting it down on the table. Lip curling in disgust, he reached out and used his thumb to wipe milk from Mason's face. "Sir?" Frederick prompted. 

"He's of use to me." Lucjan's gaze was hard and his voice dropped to low whisper. "This boy could be the key." The key to controlling Chloe Wilder.


Leaving Mason with a bemused Hedwiga, Lucjan and Frederick swept down the corridors of the complex – heading for the secured west wing. The entrance to  Anja's lab was guarded by two Sanguinem vampires, who saluted to Lucjan in greeting. The doors buzzed as they were disarmed and the vampires stepped smartly aside to allow them through. 

Inside was sterile, with a dull thrumming sound from the machines that made your teeth ache over time. Lucjan and Frederick pushed aside strips of plastic sheeting and descended the steps down into the nucleus of the room.

Frederick's eyes glowed thirstily as he looked around at the row upon row of labelled blood bags. So much blood...His fangs ached- desperately wanting to extend. 

Lucjan approached the Head Tech, Anja. She was a tall woman whose features were hidden behind a sterile face mask. 

"Any finds?" He asked. Anja shook head.

"All clean."

Frederick backed up, fixing his gaze on the ground. He held very still – counting in different languages to distract himself from the heavenly aroma. Lucjan asked more questions. How many blood samples could they examine in a day? What did they need in order to increase that number? The answers were background noise for Frederick. He didn't relax until they'd left the lab behind them.

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