31. Fighting in the Streets

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"Was that you? Or them?" Frida's voice was shaking. She didn't know if Jordan understood the question. Had he planted the bomb or had it been his enemies? But regardless, he made no attempt to answer. The jeep careened around a corner. Frida got a glimpse of road blocks up ahead and fighting in the streets, before the convoy swerved down a narrow road. Machine gun fire erupted in a fierce rat-a-tat behind them and Frida's hands trembled.

Voices buzzed from the comms devices and Frida tried to pick out words – wanting to know what was going on - but the line wasn't clear enough. "What's happening?" She demanded, her heart pounding like crazy. The tension in the jeep was straining her nerves. The jeeps tore down the narrow streets, clipping vehicles and property. They drove beneath a tall archway and Frida saw the graffiti that was angrily smothering the brick – she recognised the dragon design. It was the Dracul clan's tag.

"What's happening?!" She screeched, her fear rising to something close to hysteria. Jordan glanced her way.

"The Dracul clan are here. In large numbers."

That meant that the war was here. It would be Jordan's men against a vampire army. Frida scratched at her neck, tugging fretfully at her irritated skin. She wished that she'd never come here.

She'd heard stories about the Dracul clan. She'd heard them from the survivors of the human farms. She'd thought that she'd rather die then end up in one of those hells. The jeep screeched to a halt and Frida followed the others in quickly evacuating the vehicle. Jordan sped to her side.

"Hide inside the church." He ordered, pointing to the building opposite from them.

"What about you?" But she was already facing an empty space. She turned on the spot, her blood turning cold. All the vampires had sped off, leaving the humans in their entourage abandoned on the street. Jordan had told her to head into the church. She hesitated. Other humans were already sprinting towards the double doors but her gaze was on the jeep. She considered jumping into the driving seat.

But then an explosion boomed from far too close by. She saw smoke billowing in a dense fog, chocking up the road. She didn't want to drive through that. Swearing, she ducked down and ran into the church.


Back in Gomorrah, Lucjan smelt Chloe before he saw her. He frowned, puzzled – for a moment he thought he must be in the wrong part of the house. But he wasn't. This was his room. He was instantly suspicious. Sweeping through with vampire speed, he left his personal study and came to a stop in his bedroom. Chloe was indeed there, sat cross legged on the floor – a bottle of wine in her hand. There was another empty bottle on his bedside table.

"Wilder?" He questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"Shhh," she chided, putting her fingers to her lips. "I'm concentrating."

Lucjan crossed his arms and leant back against the wall. She was drunk. He could smell the alcohol strongly on her and her skin was flushed.

"On what?"

"I'm trying to figure it out."

"Figure what out?"

"You, me, life – the meaning behind it all." She hiccuped, her brows rising in surprise and Lucjan chuckled. She was a cute drunk. Moving slowly so as not to startle her, he sat down next to her on the floor.

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