27. The Warlocks of Gomorrah

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Ryder rounded the corner and came upon the playground. A woman had her back to him and was knelt down, hugging a crying child. He didn't recognise the uniform she wore but something made his attention linger. He felt he recognised something familiar in her build and the tilt of her head...

Hands gripped Ryder from behind and he only had a glimpse of the woman and child - before a bag dropped down over his head. The unknown assailants restrained him, dragging Ryder back into the alleyway and away from witnesses. The bag that had been flung over his head pulled tight over Ryder's nose and mouth. The damp material stank, burning Ryder's nostrils, and he deduced that the bag had been doused in something – potentially chloroform.

He was forced back down the alley. Ryder clenched his hands, resisting the urge to summon fire. He wanted to know where they were planning to take him. His captors flung him into the back of a vehicle of some kind. Ryder grunted, his shins smacking into something. He concentrated his powers, exhaling slowly. Ice crystals formed from his parted lips and spread slowly over the inside of the bag, acting as a thin film – protecting him from the drugged material.

His head ached and his nostrils stung but he didn't lose focus. His kidnappers bound his hands and feet with cable ties. Ryder sank onto his stomach, pretending to flop and fall asleep. He held still, listening as his attackers clambered out of the van and slammed the doors shut behind them. They walked around to the front and Ryder felt the floor of the van shudder when the engine revved into life, rattling loudly.

Judging that he was alone now, Ryder nudged his head and managed to wriggle out of the hood. Free from its smothering touch, he looked around him – his eyes adjusting to the gloom. He'd been correct, he was alone and in the back of a van. Benches lined the two sides with brackets for handcuffs to be clipped on to. There was a grill protecting a closed shutter between him and the driver. Ryder frowned. This was a police van, used for transporting criminals. He clicked his tongue. It was oddly fitting, he supposed. He was after all, in Gomorrah's Most Wanted. 

He sat up and propped himself up against the side. The van crawled slowly through the city's traffic, getting caught up in the Broken Smile Mile – a notorious road that had been overrun by the south-end slums. This gave Ryder a good indication of where they were headed and who, therefore, must have given the order for his abduction.

Hands banged against the van walls and Ryder flinched, before realising that it was beggars running between the traffic. Ryder sat composed, his legs extended out and his expression pensive. What was his next move going to be? Where did he fit in this world? 

              The van came to a stop and his abductors stepped out and shared some words with their waiting boss. Ryder faced the door, having reached a decision. He clicked his fingers and blue fire consumed the cable ties – burning them up and reducing them to cinders. The locks on the van's door were noisily pulled back and Ryder remained seated, a half smile on his lips. The door opened and Velkan, leader of the Judges, leapt lightly inside. 

Velkan froze, seeing Ryder unexpectedly conscious and unbound.

"If you wanted to see me Velkan, you only had to ask."

Velkan's face was composed, showing no hint of surprise. It was a masterful poker face.

"It seems I underestimated you." He commented, his voice un-alarmed. 

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