The meeting

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Jeff the killer:   I was sleeping when I heard the floor creak in the corner of my room. Figuring it was just my imagination I tried to fall back to sleep but before I could a figure put a hand over my mouth. With all my might I picked up my lamp and hit the intruder up side the head. The intruder recoiled into the moonlight and his features were visible. He had white skin, long black hair, black rings around his eyes as if he had burnt his eyelids off, and a Glasgow smile on his face. "W-Who are you?" I asked and the man just laughed "Call me Jeff!" He replied before climbing out of your window. "You've got some balls on you y/n! I'll be back soon!" He stated before jumping down. He left me alone holding a lamp and confused.

Eyeless Jack:   It was a normal day for me. I woke up, went to school, came home and spent hours doing homework. I didn't finish until midnight and when I did I slipped into my Pajamas and went to bed. The second my head hit the pillow I was out like a light bulb. But in the middle of the night my blanket was removed and my shirt lifted up. This caused me to sit up and head butt the blue masked intruder. He recoiled just a little bit "What are you doing in my house?" I asked "Well I was trying to steal your kidneys but now I'm not so sure y/n!" The man replied. He set something on my desk and jumped out my window. In the morning I read the note "Call me Jack!"

Masky: I work at a bakery and it's a decent paying job for a high schooler. I was wiping down the counter when a man came in. "One piece of cheesecake to go please!" He said as I wrote it down "May I have your name so I can let you know when it's ready?" I asked. He looked hesitant at first "It's Tim!" He replied "Alright Tim you can go have a seat and I'll call you when it's finished cooling!" I stated. He walked away and took a seat in a booth not to far. I tried not to stare but I noticed he had brown hair, brown eyes, blue jeans and dark orange jacket on. I heard the bell ding "TIM!" I called grabbing his order "Thanks y/n" he stated taking it and walking away.

Hoodie: I was walking through the forest on a hike and it was beautiful. As I was walking I could hear another set of footsteps behind me. I stopped to look around when I heard something click and felt something pressed against my back. "Turn around slowly y/n!" The person demanded and I did as commanded. He was wearing an orange hoodie, black mask with red eyes and a red frown, blue jeans and a holster on his hip. "W-Who are you?" I asked "I'm hoodie! Please go home these woods aren't safe!" He replied and he pointed me in the right direction out of the forest.

Ben: I was playing around with clever bot and trying to work on my social anxiety. You see I'm a very shy person and I thought if I could talk to a bot I could surely talk to people eventually. "So y/n are you alone?" She asked "Y-Yeah family went h-home!" I replied a slight stutter in my voice. Just then my laptop began to glitch and a male around my age started to come out of it. He was half way out of it and he kinda looked like link except for the black eyes with red pupils and blood coming out of them. "W-Who a-are y-you?" I asked scared "I'm ben!" The male replied. He dropped a cartridge onto my lap and disappeared back into my laptop. The cartridge read "Majora's mask!"

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