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Getting into Lancaster University wasn't an easy task, it was actually more difficult than I was expecting. Anyway I still got accepted and that's all that matters now.

After all,I'm Riele Summers and nothing is impossible for me,not to brag or anything. Hah

Yeah, right.Impossible to loose your boyfriend right?says the voice in my head.

Okay now that was just mean you know.

I highly disagree, I was just asking.

Yeah right. The voice in my head is really blunt you know sometimes a little bit overboard.

Rolland and I broke up last summer, since then it's been my iPod and me. Oh and my mom,yeah she's definitely been there for me,yeah and how could I forget Kir.Kir's my best friend and she's been very supportive.

I've been sulking in my bed since I have another month before uni.Rol was everything a girl my age would want. I mean which 18 year old girl in her right mind and not taken wouldn't drool at Rol(the taken also drool,trust me ive seen 'em)even when he has a sweatshirt on.

Have you seen him shirtless?Christ!!it's quite a sight, more like the sight.

What?Don't laugh at me or think I'm weird.

Can't a girl fan over her ex now?

He promised me heaven and earth you know.

He?Yes he.

As in Rolland dum dum.

Yet all he gave me was a mirage of heaven and stones from earth.

It's figurative duhhh !

Somehow I find it funny and sad.

Funny in the sense that I once thought Rolland and I would have forever together and sad cause well,here we are now.

It's pricking my heart really and I've seen him around a couple of times and he looks the least affected.Last week I heard he started dating Miley from high school and then I chanced on them myself when I went grocery shopping the other time.

I mean couldn't he wait a little bit for you know, the breakup to register in his brain or something I dunno. Yet he's all smiley and peachy again, as though nothing happened.

I'm sure for him it was nothing and to think I almost did the deed with him on countless occasions. Anytime I tried or he tried something would just happen to ruin the mood, I'm sure it was the heavens.

And I would get so pissed then,now looking back I just feel foolish. I'm singing along to the song coming from my iPod. Currently  So Sad by XXX TENTACION is on,bringing fresh memories of Rol,this is his favorite song you know.

I miss him,his anger,his smile, his face, his voice, his laughter,his smell,
the way he'd find every excuse possible to touch me,and now he's gone and I feel numb.

It hurts. It really does, like shit!I mean the fact that he  brokeup with me is saddening enough and the day he chose is just sickening.

What's your happiest day?
It's your birthday isn't it?

Well guess what?Guess


Guesss!!!Christ!You really are dumb.
He left me on my birthday. He didn't deem any day right to tell me it was over than my birthday.
I thought he loved me,at least that's what he said.
He left me and I really want to hate him for that but I can't.

And he's gone!

He chose my freaking birthday to say it's over,I mean who in their right mind does that?

Rolland does.

I don't even know why I'm still thinking about him.Maybe because it's Saturday and it's supposed to be movie night with him,if he was around.
I just wished he missed me like I miss him.

Moving on,life has been trash,gabbage and more trash. 

Now I know how it feels like to be....


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And check out my other book, Lola Sends Kisses.

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