Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As the car came around the school, I just gaped at it. It was huge! No words could describe it. I could only imagine what it was made of inside. It had about 6 floors all made of pure marble. It looked expensive. I didn’t know how the hell my ‘parents’ (we’ll get to them later) could afford this place.

Well, I should probably tell you a bit about myself. My name is Emma Campbell. I am 15 years old well, almost 16 in a month. I am 5”6 tall. I have very dark brown eyes almost black and curly brown hair that runs down till the middle of my back. I had to change schools, on my ‘parents’ insistence. I should probably tell you about them too. They’re not really my parents; well they are but not biologically. You see, I was adopted as a new born. My biological parents abandoned me. I was furious once I found about, that was 3 months ago by the way, but I got over eventually although I am still hurt about. I mean why didn’t they want me? Wasn’t I good enough? You know stuff like that.

After I finished school last year, my parents broke the news to me and said that I would have to move to a boarding school for special kids like me. You see, I was a bit aggressive and took my moods to extreme levels. I was either really sad and depressed or really happy and hyper. So they said that this school would be able to help me. I personally hated it but I knew that if I tried to argue, that wouldn’t end well so I reluctantly agreed. Well, back to the present.

I got out of the car, driven by a chauffeur, and looked around. The campus was huge and I thought that I was going to get lost. But I didn’t have to ask for directions, because I saw an elderly woman coming towards me. She was probably in her late 50’s, with her grey hair pulled neatly in a bun. She looked nice.

‘You’re Emma, right?’ she said to me. I merely nodded. ‘Hello, I’m Headmistress Keller. I’ll direct you to the office and you can get your schedule and dorm keys from there.’

I said nothing, too shy to even speak. That was another thing about me. I was really shy but if you got on my bad side then there was another whole side to me that you would never want to see. I followed her to the front desk where there was a bored-looking lady with obviously dyed flaming red hair with matching red lips. When she saw the headmistress she straightened up and tried to look professional.

‘The schedule and dorm keys for Emma please Ursula,’ the headmistress said politely to the lady. I tried to cover a laugh at the name by coughing. Ursula sent me a glare but said nothing as she typed my name in the computer. She printed out my schedule and gave that and a pair of keys to the headmistress. ‘Here,’ she said turning to me and giving me a small smile. ‘I will show to your dorm then you’re on your own I’m afraid.’

I nodded as I followed her. I swallowed down my fear and shyness and asked her, ‘Excuse me, but where are all the students?’

‘Oh they’re all at their dorms, probably doing some homework or mingling. They arrived here about a month ago, that’s when school started but don’t worry you’ll catch up.’ She said, seeming pleased that I was trying to make conversation.

Great so I was new and late. ‘Do we share the dorms or do we have one of our own?’ I asked, hoping it was the latter.

‘No, you’re on your own. We like our students to have their privacy.’ She replied. I didn’t understand the last part though, it was like there was something else behind it although I didn’t know what.

We remained quiet after that as she navigated through the school like she knew it like the back of her hand. Soon I began to see more students. They all looked at me weirdly like I was trespassing on something. The headmistress ignored them and took me to a door marked 2115. I noticed that the number were similar to my birthday since I was born on the 25th November. I unlocked the door and walked in. This isn’t something that you call a dorm, this was luxury. There were leather sofas with a plasma screen, a kitchenette and a door, probably leading to the bedroom.

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