I love you too - Part Eleven

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Bzz Bzz

Aaron couldn't bring himself to check his phone. In the days since Connor's Father had shown up, he had fallen into complete depression. He had taken to checking every message on his phone immediately but had received no contact from Connor at all, and he wasn't in school either. It sucked. Like having a constant stomach ache. Hazel kept walking in and out of his room and bringing him snacks, but Aaron couldn't even appreciate her efforts. He just wanted to curl up and not have to talk to anyone. Ever again.  And there he was, at six o clock on a stupid Monday morning, staring at the ceiling, and trying to fall back asleep.

Bzz Bzz

With a frustrated groan, Aaron got up and picked up his phone, opening his messages. One from Dylan, which he made a point to ignore, and the other from a new number. Aaron opened the message.

"Hello Aaron. I'm Emma. Maybe you remember seeing me at the carnival a while ago? Anyway, I'm talking to you because of Connor. He gave me this number, and told me that he wouldn't be allowed to use his phone for a while. Do you know what happened and if he's okay?"

Aaron stared. He did remember this woman. Connor said she was his babysitter. They must have stayed in touch all this time. But why had he given her Aaron's number?

"Connor's Dad saw us together and started yelling at him. I don't know if he's okay, I haven't heard from him."

Emma's reply was almost instant, as if she had been waiting.

"I thought that would be the case. I know Connor's father, I know what he might do to Connor if he found out Connor had a boyfriend."

Aaron was panicked now. He had no idea where this was going, but clearly Connor was in danger, and Aaron wasn't going to let him come to harm.

"What can we do?"

This time, Emma's reply took a while to come through. Aaron's heart was racing and wild thoughts were rushing through his head.

"There's too much for me to say over text. Can you meet me? I know you don't know me but I promise, I care about Connor as much as you do."

Aaron wondered what his mother would say if she caught him meeting a near stranger, and made a mental note not to let her know as he sent a message back.


"Great. Could you meet me today at around nine? I don't know if you can miss school but this is really important. Here's my address:"

The address was listed below. Aaron recognised the street as one in the city near his school, only about fifteen minutes drive. He couldn't explain why he trusted Emma, but if Connor trusted her, than it was worth trying.

The only thing on his mind was Connor. He hadn't been worried before but now everything had clicked. Connor's dad must know about the relationship. And Aaron knew that he was violent and homophobic, knew that Connor was scared of him, knew that Connor made all his own food at home, knew that he had never had a friend before. And suddenly there was a much bigger problem than just not seeing each other.

Aaron found lying to his mother surprisingly easy, though he couldn't suppress the shiver that ran over his back whenever he pretended everything was fine. He ate breakfast with a fake smile, and amongst lies of "I think I'll drive today, I'm running a little late.", Aaron made it out of the house.

Once he was in his car, he could think more clearly. It felt much better now that he was doing something. The time had come for action and he was acting, adrenaline rising in him as he drove not to school, but to the address he punched in to GPS. The school bell was due to ring any moment now, but Aaron went straight past the tall building, through the narrow roads of the city, passing gardens and museums and shopping malls until he found himself outside a set of apartments. The ding from his cad told him that this was the place. In the message Emma had sent, she had said she lived in number fourteen. So, finding that house and walking up, Aaron took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A youngish woman answered, but it wasn't Emma. Her hair was short and dark, and her shiny lip stud stood out to Aaron, as well as a tattoo of a flower on her neck.

"Hey." She said.

Aaron stood in the doorway awkwardly. Was this the right place? He wished the lady had given him more to work with than "hey."

"Uh, I'm looking for somebody. Her name is Emma? I have to talk to her."

A look of dawning comprehension came over the woman's face, and she said, "wait here." before disappearing into the house.

"Emma! There's someone at the door. A boy."

There was a pause, and then another shout. This time, Aaron recognised the voice.

"Oh! Okay Honey, I'll be down now, tell him to come in!"

The women with the tattoo came back to the doorway, smiling.

"Well, you heard the boss. Come on in, kiddo."

She led a somewhat confused Aaron into a bright and vibrant living room, and indicated a squishy armchair for him to sit down in. Aaron did so, and just at that moment, Emma came through the door, looking flustered but relieved.

"Oh you're a little early! I'm so glad you're here though. I suppose you've never met Chloe before." She indicated the other woman, who was sitting on the opposite armchair and sipping coffee. "Chloe, this is Aaron. He's Connor's boyfriend. Aaron, this is Chloe, my fiancee."

Aaron was not entirely shocked. But it did make him understand a bit more why Connor would have trusted Emma so much. It must have been comforting to know another gay person in his situation.

"Right." She said, taking a seat next to Chloe. "I hope you don't mind the informalities, but we might as well be comfortable. Anyway, tell me about what happened with Connor, in detail."

Aaron explained the whole situation, and when he was finished, Emma nodded shortly, deep in thought.

"When Connor was younger," she said slowly, after a long pause. "He knew this boy - his name was Liam. They went to the same elementary school. You couldn't find two closer kids. One day, when Connor was about seven, he told his Dad the he was gonna marry Liam. He was just a kid, didn't know what he was saying, but his father lost it completely. He said that Connor wasn't ever aloud to see Liam again, and he moved schools the same week."

She took a deep breath, and then sighed.

"Connor's mother isn't around much, if at all. She runs some fancy company and she's always travelling. So when his Dad was out drunk I'd look after Connor. He told me everything, about how he thought he was gay, and that his Father said that if he was, he'd get kicked out of the house. I was furious, and I tried to have a talk with his Dad. Didn't end well and I lost my job. I don't know what he did to Connor but it was enough to frighten him back into the closet. For good."

Aaron sat open mouthed, in shock. All of this information made sense, but it was still having a hard time getting through to his brain. Even from the beginning, he had pitied Connor, but since then he had fallen in love, and it hurt to think of his boyfriend in such a bad place.

"Anyway." Emma pressed on. "The point is, the kid's in danger, and I know where he lives, and how to get there, so I would like your help to get him out of there."

Aaron looked up, his face set. He was filled with a determination that he had never felt before, and he was ready to do whatever it took to get his boyfriend back.

"Let's get going then."

---------------------------------------------------------A/N: Hey! I've been neglecting this story, but I feel like I should close it up. There will be this chapter and one more until the end. They are both short and kinda half-assed, but at least they're updates, right?

I have been writing the whole time though, and I'm about 25000 words into a fanfic I'm writing that's going great! To everyone who read this story and enjoyed it, thank you so much! See y'all soon. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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