I love you too - Part Three

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For once, Aaron slept soundly with no interruptions, thinking once again of his new friend, Connor Summers. He was sure that they could at least trust each other now, and he was glad that the shy boy was finally starting to open up to him.

His alarm went off as usual, and he woke feeling unusually content, and was in a very good mood by the time he came downstairs. He was greeted by his Mom as usual in the morning:

"Hello honey, how are you you this morning? You look happy?" She said, as he walked into the kitchen.

" 'M good, thanks." Aaron replied, a little sleepily. "Hey Mom, can I have a friend come over tonight?"

His Mother looked shocked at first, but smiled.

"Of course. Who is it? Anyone I know?"

Aaron shook his head.
"No, he's my new friend, I'm working with him for school stuff, but he's really nice."

"Okay then, should I pick you up then?"

"No thanks, I'll drive to school and give him a lift back. Thanks though."

"I can't wait to meet him."

"Thanks Mom."

She smiled, and continued doing whatever she was when Aaron came in. Since Aaron usually walked to school, he had more time today than normal. He pulled out his phone, and text Dylan to let him know he wasn't walking, and not to wait for him. Then he sent a message to Connor;

- Hey, do you want to come back to my house tonight? To work on the project? Let me know as soon as you can. :J

A few minutes later his phone buzzed in response.

- Yeah okay, what time?

- I'll pick you at after school?

- Okay, thanks.

He smiled at the message, but he wasn't sure why.

Aaron got into his car a little later, and began to drive towards the school. It wasn't as fun as walking, but it was a nice change, and it would be worth it to have Connor over.

He pulled in to the Parking lot, got out of the car, and started walking up to the school entrance, where he met his group of teammates, leaning against a wall and talking to one another. Dylan greeted him first.

"Hey dude, why didn't you walk this morning?"

Aaron knew he couldn't tell the truth, and he didn't have a response ready.

"I have to pick my sister up from school" he made up on the spot, trying to make it sound as convincing as he could. It must have worked, because Dylan just shrugged and carried on talking.

He saw Connor again in geography,
Where they worked on the project planning a little more. Connor seemed a lot happier than the last lesson. He smiled and talked and answered Aarons questions. It made the older boy happy to see Connor like this, and for the first time since meeting him- Aaron heard Connor laugh.

It was a sound that filled him up, it lit up Connors face and made him even more handsome. It sounded like the way that the sun would if sunshine had a laugh. Aaron couldn't help but laugh with him. When they had calmed down, Connor seemed to realise what had happened, and blushed hard. This made Aaron blush, and the two began laughing at each other again. It was one of the best lessons either of them had ever had.

They walked out together, still talking and joking with each other.

"Are you still okay to come over tonight?" Asked Aaron hopefully.

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