chapter 1

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"Mmmhhh....." I groaned, I then got up, got ready for school and walked out of the dorms and saw a cute and sweet green fluffy haired boy talking to a blue haired boy with glasses, "Good morning Deku, good morning Iida " I said as I smile. "Good morning Uraraka" Deku said and smiled as it melted my heart, yeah I have a crush on my best friend but am to nervous to confess, and think that he's probably interested in another girl instead of me, "We better hurry to class or we'll be late" Iida said while chopping the air with his hands.

"But there's still 10 minutes left" Ochaco stated, tilting her head slightly from confusion, "I am the class president, and have to show a good example to my classmates" Iida replied. "I mean it won't hurt to be a little early" Deku said, "I guess" Ochaco sighed.


We started walking, I then got a message, I checked who it was and it was All Might


Young Midoriya

Yes All Might?

You remember my friend David from I-Island, right?


Well his daughter, Melissa is coming to visit



Okay, thanks All Might


This is great!! I can tell her if she can help me with an Idea for an upgrade on my suit and maybe....I can also ask her to help me confess to Uraraka, I have a crush on her but am always too scared to confess and worried that she'll just reject me so, I act as normal as I can so she won't suspect that I like her, and that way I can still be close to her as friend, even though it hurts thinking that I'll only be her friend.

I sigh, "Deku are you alright, you look a little down?" Uraraka asked "huh? Oh yea I'm fine just..." "just what?" She asked. 'I need to think of an excuse but..what...' " just worried mom, I haven't visited her, and I'm just worried if she's doing okay" hopefully she believes that but it isn't really a lie, I am worried for my mom. "Oh I see, I'm sure she's doing great, thinking how proud she is for her son" She said, I smiled.


They keep walking and get there in 5 minutes. They sit down as Iida yells and chops the air with his hands telling students to sit down, Aizawa comes in, making everyone sit down.
The day goes by but what caught Uraraka's attention was that Deku seemed a little more excited than usual, she didn't think much of it but as every minute passed, he seemed more and more excited. Of course Aizawa saw this and told him to calm down but that didn't really stopped him.


The bell rings, everyone grabs there stuff and gets ready for lunch.


The bell rings, I grab my stuff and walk out of the room to lunch with Deku and Todoroki, we start talking and joking around. We then look ahead and I see someone I didn't expect to see here, it was...Melissa, I look next to me where Deku was but he started sprinting at Melissa's direction leaving me behind with Todoroki.

This must be the reason why he was so excited today, because he see Melissa, the thought of him and her together hurts me, but...I can't do nothing but be happy for him.They start to talk and I see Deku smiling at her as she smiles back. I'm getting jealous...I don't like how it feels, my heart hurts, like if it's going to shred itself into a million pieces.

I suddenly start to feel something inside my throat and start to cough, Todoroki notices and asked if I was okay I said "yeah im okay" but then I keep coughing and coughing, I cover my mouth with my hands until a.......flower petal? came out of my mouth. Todoroki notices the flowers petal and knows I'm not okay, so he asks me to follow him to recovery girl, I decline, so he grabs my arm and takes my there as I pout and keep telling him that I'm fine.


I see Melissa, I start sprinting and when I reach her I start talking, we talk for a few minutes until I turn around and see Todoroki grabbing Och-i mean Uraraka's arm. I start to feel my blood boil, I kept telling myself that they're not together, and that they would have told me if they were a thing, I calmed down.

I was about to start walking to them until Melissa said "Can you give me a tour of UA?" "Huh? Oh umm...okay" I said, I completely forgot about her when I saw them together, I can't leave her alone, I guess I can ask them what happened later, I sighed.


When I saw Uraraka, I could tell she was jealous, she then started coughing, I asked if she was okay and she told me she was fine,she then coughed a flower petal, I got worried because when I was little, my older sister used to tell me about this disease and how it was dangerous. And when I saw that flower petal, I knew what it was but didn't want to jump to conclusions.

I told her "I'm going to take you to recovery girl" "Im fine Todoroki, you don't need to worry about me" I knew she would keep declining so I grabbed her arm and took her there I turned my head slightly to see what she was doing, she was pouting and I found it kind of......cute, NO, I think I'm going crazy, must be Midoriya rubbing off on me, he always talks about Uraraka and how she's cute and amazing, he never shuts up, and keeps talking about her when she's not there or when he gets the chance to.

She kept telling me excuses like, she was "okay" and that "it was nothing" and "maybe it was something I ate or maybe a petal went inside my mouth and that's why I choke". I ignored her, eventually she stopped making excuses and kept walking, we finally made it, and went inside.


"Well hello, what are you two doing here, it's usually Midoriya that keeps coming here, almost everyday" Recover girl said as she chuckled "My friend kept coughing until a petal came out of her mouth" Todoroki said "..." Uraraka kept quiet. "I see, come here for a moment" She asked Uraraka, she did as she was told.

She told her if she had the petal, then asked some questions, she did some tests on her. "I have some bad news" recovery girl said "What do you mean bad news?" Uraraka asked "It turns out that you have a disease" the old lady said "what kind of disease?" Uraraka questioned.

"Its called the 'Hanahaki Disease'".

So how was the first chapter? Was it good, bad or meh? This took me about 3 or 4 hours straight, so yeah...Do you think Deku will find out?If he did how do you think he will react?How will Uraraka react?What will she do?

FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF "Why...(Hanahaki Disease/ Izuocha)". Bye! :3

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