Chapter 4

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I made it to All Might's office and opened the door. "All Might?" I asked
"What's wrong Young Midoriya?" "Well I was wondering where Melissa's at" I said. "Why? You're not gonna do anything to her are you?" He said seriously "what?...W-W-WAIT W-WHAT?! NO, NEVER, IM NOT EVEN INTERESTED IN HER" I said stuttering of what he said a minute ago.

"I was just messing with you, I know you'll never do that and I already know that you're into Young Uraraka, anyways she's in the field looking at the flowers" "o-okay, thank you All Might, but h-how do you know that I like Uraraka?" I asked curiously at how he found out, when basically no one did. "Well I see you as a son, so I know a lot about you and some things that you still don't know about yourself, it was pretty obvious once I got to know you".

"Y-you see m-me as a s-son?" I asked with wide eyes "..." "..." we both stayed quiet untill All Might broke the silence "WELL YOU BETTER GET GOING NOW, GOODBYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY" he said as he pushed me out of his office, I fell on the floor and stood up. I'm still surprised that he sees me as a son, I start heading to the field to where All Might said she'll be at. I'm kind of scared of Uraraka rejecting me, we started hanging out again a few days ago, and she probably found someone while I was training.

Maybe....I shouldn't do this, I don't think I have a chance with her, she's probably hanging out with her friends laughing, being...happy...something I don't think I could make her feel.


*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* I start coughing loudly until petals came out of my mouth and on to my hands, "OCHACO, ARE YOU OKAY? " Tsu said screaming with the other girls running out of the room to the hallway also screaming out of worry "y-yeah I'm fine" I said as I hid the petals behind my back. " us the petals, there's no use in hidding it when we already know" Jirou said, I then showed them the petals.

"Have you maybe...changed your mind about your....decision?" Momo asked " Mina how are you and Kirishima?" I asked trying to change the subject "hm? Me and Kiri are doi-WAIT NO, YOU'RE TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT" Mina said with yelling a bit. "So what is your decision?, ribbit" "My answer" I said with barely any emotion.

"Then we'll change that, here well show you what we were working with, so first yo-" I interuppted Mina "No...your not going to change my mind" "But you'll di-" I interrupted Tooru "I don't care that's my final decision" I said with a little anger in my voice "GOD DAMNIT OCHACO LET US HELP YOU, YOUR GOING TO DIE FOR GOD'S SAKE" Mina said screaming "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP I ALREADY DECIDED, IM GOING TO DIE AND THATS FINAL." I said screaming back.

"B-but that means w-we won't be a-able t-to hang out or t-talk anymore, you'll be g-g-gone. We're going to m-miss you, you m-mean a lot to u-us O-Ochaco" Tsu said with tears streaming down her face, I looked around and they were all crying with looks of pain in their eyes. This is the reason why I didn't want to tell them's too late now "I-i'm sorry, but that's what I decided on and you guys can't change it even if I wanted to....I-I...I can't" I said "I'm going outside for a walk, I'll come back in a bit".

I walked out of the dorms and started walking.


I found Melissa laying down in the grass while looking at the sky. "Melissa?" "Hm? Oh Midoriya, what're you doing here?" She asked "oh well umm I-I was going to ask if you could help m-me ask U-Uraraka o-out" I said nervously, blushing a bit. Once I said that her eyes widened that i swear i saw stars appear, and a smile appeared in her face "YOU WANT TO ASK URARAKA OUT, THE ONE WITH BROWN HAIR AND PINK CHEEKS, OF COURSE I'LL HELP, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU GUYS TO GET TOGETHER ALREADY, THIS IS LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE" she said as she squealed loudly that my ears felt like it was going to burst any minute now.

"Y-yeah her" I said as I covered my ears "sorry, I'm just really happy, ever since I saw the two of you together I just couldn't help but ship you two, both of you are just so CUTE" She said. I was starting to regret telling her to help me but it's too late to go back, "Ok so first tell me about her" she said "s-sure" I then started talking about her as I started blushing, she was staring at me with a very wide smile that it was starting to scare me but I ignored it.


I was just walking around when I spotted Deku with...Melissa talking. He seemed to be...blushing? of course he is, he likes her. I then see Melissa checking her phone and stand up, I hide in a bush so they won't notice me, I know it's wrong but I can't help it. "Well I gotta go, see you tomorrow, same spot at 6" Melissa said "yeah, bye Melissa" he said, before Melissa left she gave Deku a...hug, she then separated and they both left in separate directions.

She hugged...Deku, I feel tears start to form on my eyes and feel something painful inside of my throat going up, I cough and cough until a flower with my...blood and thorns comes out. I stare at it with tears fall down my round cheek, crying in the ground curled up in a ball, outside of the dorms in the dark, alone in the cold.

I just want to die already, to not feel pain anymore, it hurts...everything hurts. My throat, my head, my heart, it all hurts, I want to die, i want to end it now but...I can't...why? I don't know. I'm in pain, he doesn't even notice but why does it matter to me? I'll just do the same as I did with the girls. I never knew loving someone could be complicated, painful, deadly. How did I end up like this? Why me? Why? Why? Why?

What will Ochaco do to herself? Why Hasn't Deku noticed? What are the girls doing? What will Happen next? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF "Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)"

Hi guys♡ sorry for not uploading yesterday, a teacher saw my drawings of Deku and another one of Hawks so he told me to draw my own characters and make a comic or story, he said that if I ever did that, to tell him because he says that he can publish it and make it into a book or comic. He told me to think about it and to tell him when I'm ready so I'm deciding cuz that's been one of my dreams but I'm not sure if I should and I don't know what I'll even write. See you in the next chapter. Bye!! :3 ☆

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