Chapter 6

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IM BACK! :D For now, only for the week because I have thanksgiving break and it lasts 1 beautiful week, I found out about that on sunday/last chapter which I already told you about, but after that week I'll be gone. I'll try to upload as many as I can, sadly this book only has a few more chapters left until it ends, but don't worry I have other ideas of what to write.


After I stopped crying I looked up, and it was already morning. I stood up to grab a small towel to clean my cuts, after I finished doing that I looked in the mirror "No wonder he doesnt like me, im ugly, he must think Melissa is much more prettier than me, im not worth being with" I muttered. I then decide to take a shower so I grabbed some clothes to put on after I take a long warm shower.

TIME SKIP (After taking a shower)

I start heading to my room "OCHACO" someone called out, I turned around to see Tsuyu running full speed at me, she then tripped over me and we fell down. "yeah?..." I said as I stood up "WHERE WERE YOU??, WE WERE WORRIED THAT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU" she said screaming in my ears "can you quiet" I asked while covering my ears "s-sorry..." she said sadly "OH, No I didn't mean to sound rude or anything, it's just that you were screaming in my ears, so i should be the one apologizing for sounding mean, you were just worried thats all!" I said trying to make her feel better.

"Its okay, but I'm still sorry...that must have hurt your ears" she said calmly "anyways, what did you need?" I asked. "Didn't you hear what I just screamed a couple minutes ago?" She said " I just went to my room and...slept there, because I just felt like being alone and didn't want you guys to ask me millions of questions" I replied. " What stage are you on now?" She asked worriedly "Uhm..." I said nervously. Should I tell her? What will she do if I do tell her? She seems really worried, I don't wanna worry her even more, "...stage...1?" DAMN IT, WHY DID I SAY IT IN A QUESTION?!

"I MEAN YEAH STAGE 1, IM ON STAGE 1, YUP DEFINETLEY ON STAGE 1! HAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed nervously, WHY AM I SO BAD AT LYING?! I kept yelling in my head. "So...your on stage 2" Tsuyu said with a serious face, I sighed "yea...". "Are you SURE you don't wanna confess to Midoriya, or AT LEAST try? Is there no other way, like surgery or something? Are you sure you don't need our help?" She asked "I'm positive that I'm Fine I don't need help and there is no other way" I said as I fake smile at her to calm her down."Anyways would you look at the time, I'm supposed to be doing something right now, I'm REALLY busy today so ima go now, BYE!" I say as I run to my room.

STUPID, she's probably gonna tell the girls now, me an my DAMN MOUTH. I don't know what to do now, I don't really have ANYTHING to do...guess I have to sit here and wait for the day to pass..............WELL IM BORED, ima go hang out with my pal Todo.

I sneak out of my room carefully so the girls won't see me and talk to me. I then see Todoroki sitting in the common area looking bored as heck. "Hey there Todoroki" I greeted "hm? Oh hi Uraraka, are you alright?" Todoroki asked "yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said with a fake laugh. Ugh I really am bad at lying.

"Because you have that disease and......Melissa" he said the last part quietly. I start coughing and petals with blood fell from my mouth and on the carpet "..." we both stay quiet until he speaks up "so...second stage, huh?" He said, I nodded slowly. "So what did you need?" He asked with concern "Well I was bored and I thought maybe you'll want to hang out, because I don't feel like talking to the girls and you're the only person that knows" I replied "Alright then what do you wanna do?" He asked, my face instantly light up as he asked what I wanted to do.

"I WANNA HELP YOU ASK MOMO OUT" I said with sparkles in my eyes "Uhm I uh I do-" I then cut him off "C'MON YOU TWO ALREADY KISSED SO YOU SHOULD ASK HER OUT" I said with excitement. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" He screamed with a beet red face, he was blushing hard that he was starting to burn the couch.

"YOUR BURNING THE COUCH" I screamed. He didn't listen, he kept blushing, IF THIS KEEPS UP THEN HE'LL BURN THE DORMS. "FIRE!!" Kaminari yelled as he went into panic mode "AAHHHHHHH WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!" Mineta yelled "WERE'S THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER?!" Sero screamed "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU IDIOTS, HEY FOUR EYES WILL YOU HURRY UP ALREADY!?" Bakugou screamed "IM ON IT" Iida responded as he extinguished Todoroki then Kaminari accidently bumped into him and made Iida fall down and extinguish everything near.

"MY TIME HAS COME, I wasn't able to get a girl" Mineta yelled out while crying, of course we all ignored him.

Iida had extinguished everyone in the room including me. "Hey Todoroki, you alright?" I asked "hmh hm mhmm" "Oh, right" I then tried finding his face and cleared it so I could hear him clearly. "I said yeah im okay" he repeated "Anyways, how did you know...that?" He said lightly blushing "Well the girls had a sleepover and I was in Momo's bed and i watched what they were doing and overheard them squealing about it" I said "I see..." he said as he trailed off.

"Well..CAN I?" I asked with a bright smile, he sighed and said "fine" "YAY!" I cheered.

Me and Todoroki decide to go to the mall to buy the stuff he'll need, because I already know she'll accept so I'm preparing him for his date. As we started walking out of the door Todoroki immediately pulled me inside and shut the door. "W-what's wrong?" I said a little scared of what's going on. "..nothing, I just...forgot my wallet, I'll go get it and don't go outside yet" he said with a little anger inside his voice. "Oh...okay" I said worriedly. Well I guess I'll watch t.v. until he gets back, I turned on the tv and started watching [insert tv show].

What did Todoroki see? What is Todoroki to Ochaco? Where is Midoriya? And..I don't know what else to put..BUT YOU'LL

FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF 'Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)'

Soooo...ummm I'm going to go to a restaurant then go to the watch a Christmas Carol with some friends on December, that's gonna be fun... Oh and today, me and my friend were playing Kill, Kiss or Marry and let's just say it went one of the rounds I don't think she knows but one of the people she choose from my class, is someone I have a...crush on, sooo yeah. And now that I gave her my answer...I'm pretty sure things will be very...awkward with him. Anyways have a nice day!

Bye!!, see you next chapter

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