Chapter 7

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As I go to my room, i get down from my window and go to the front of the dorm entrance "Midoriya, what the hell are you doing?" I said trying to sound calm and succeeding "Oh Todoroki, I was just hanging out with Melissa" he said smiling "You've been hanging out with her for some time now, is Something Going On" I said with anger in my voice. DONT TELL ME HE'S WITH HER WHEN HE COULD BE WITH URA, I THOUGHT HE LIKED HER. IM GOING TO MURDER HIM, URARAKA IS LIKE MY LITTLE SISTER SO IF HE LETS HER DIE JUST LIKE THAT THEN I SWEAR I WONT GIVE HIM ANY MERCY. "N-no she's just teaching me something" he said a little startled.

"Hm, Fine but go else where" I say still angry "May I ask why?" Melissa asked "Because. I. Say. So" I say coldly "Todoroki what happened, why are you acting like this" Midoriya said with concern "Nothing, just please go somewhere else. I beg you. Please" I say as I turn around to go inside " If it's this important than okay. C'mon Melissa we could go over the-" I then close the doors.

Ugh, basically everytime I see him he's with that Melissa. WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER?? He must be stupid for ever picking her, I'm dissapointed.

"Hey Ura, c'mon let's go" I say "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE, I THOUGHT YOU WENT UPSTAIRS?!" She screamed "And what's 'Ura'?" She asked "Ura is my nickname for you" I say "Then I'll call you 'Todo' " She said with a cheeky smile which made me smile "sure, now let's get going" I say as I ruffle her hair "Okay!" She says as she jumps around. She acts like a little girl, it's adorable.

...I'll protect her, she's on her second stage, as long as she doesn't see Midoriya with Melissa or ANY girl then she'll be fine and  I already have enough money so I just need to convince or trick her into accepting  that surgery. I'll save her.


Me and Todoroki get to the mall. But where should we go first? Hmmm.... "so were should we go first" he asked "lets buy you some clothes first" I say. "Okay" he responded

We searched for HOURS, I might be exaggerating but for me it feels like an eternity. He keeps looking at people eating soba so we decided to go eat there because someone can't pay any attention if there's soba near him.

He ate soba but I wasn't really hungry so I went to order some mochi for me, he didn't leave me alone so he followed me, while eating his cold soba, slurping...Loudly. All I could hear was "SLLLUUUURRRPPPPPP" it was driving me crazy but I somehow kept calm. When my mochi arrived, he was already done, once I finished we kept searching and searching but found nothing, everything was too fancy or just not good enough.

Hours passed and he kept declining, I got tired so picked him some clothes.

(Here's the clothes, I didn't know what to make him wear so I just picked a random one)

(Here's the clothes, I didn't know what to make him wear so I just picked a random one)

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"Alright now that that's done, how about you choose a gift for her?" I say sleepily. "Alright" He said also sleepily, we started walking, I then asked what time it was "Its 9:37 p.m." he answered. I feel so drained, we started at 5:00 And it's already 9:37, we made it to a jewelry shop, I sat down in a chair inside the shop and started falling asleep.


I searched the jewelries but none of them were good enough, until I saw a necklace that caught my attention.

(Here it is, I also picked a random one because I'm bad with these kinds of stuff)

I ended up buying it, and it costed at least ¥800,560 but if it was for Yayourozu then I'll do anything for her, but of course I paid with my father's money since I'm broke, I also stole some money from him for Ura and I think it's enough for the ...

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I ended up buying it, and it costed at least ¥800,560 but if it was for Yayourozu then I'll do anything for her, but of course I paid with my father's money since I'm broke, I also stole some money from him for Ura and I think it's enough for the surgery.

I then look around for Uraraka but she's not beside or behind me, I then look around and see her in a chair asleep. I sighed a sigh of relief that nothing and happened to her.

I tried waking her up but she slapped me and said "GeT aWaY fRoM mE mR. sPrInKlEs!!!" I was confused at what she said so I used my quirk to make ice and put it behind her back inside her shirt "HOLY SH- TODO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!, THIS IS SO COLD!!!" She screamed. "Well at least now your awake" I answered, We then walked back to the dorms.

We made it a at 11:30 p.m. we sneaked in inside while no one was there. We then said Goodnight to each other and left to go sleep in my room.


We made it inside and said Goodnight to eachother and separated to our own rooms, I wasn't tired anymore so I went on my phone and put on my earphones to listen to some music.


The songs strted with cheery to depressing, tears fell down her eyes and onto the bed sheets as the moon light hit her window and onto her face as she listen to these depressing songs. She wanted to pause it and put something more happier but...something inside her wanted to listen to more and feel pain.

She looked at her drawer where she had the knife in, she started opening the drawer and then holded the knife. She brought it to her other arm where she hadn't cut yet and slowly sliced her skin, blood oozed down her arm and onto the floor, she then sighed and put the knife away. She cleaned her arm with the towel and looked at the window as she kept listening to the songs.

I have nothing to say but if you do then you can just comment It. Anyways if you wanna know what happens next then keep reading and....

FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF 'Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)'

If you somehow dont know, then... Todoroki sees Ochaco as a little sister and same with Ochaco, she sees him as her older brother, one she never had because she was an only child. I have nothing else to say but to Thank Ryan_Nerd7 for helping me with Todoroki's nickname for Ochaco and all of you guys for your support. I love you all ♡, Thank you for everything.

Bye, see ya in the next chapter!

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