Chapter 3

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"Its me...."

I immediatly recognized the voice. "Mina?" I said "Yeah it's me....can I come in?" Mina asked, she sounded...serious, it's not like Mina to act like that, Mina would always be very cheerful, happy, wild and crazy but now she's talking in a very serious tone that it kind of scared me. "Yeah, sure" ' hopefully she doesn't notice the petals, I should have hidden them somewhere else

I opened the door and let her come in, "so what do you need?" I asked "Well I noticed you come out of recovery girl's office with Todoroki, and then you didn't return to class after that, me and the girls are worried" she said, what do I tell her? "Umm y-yeah I just kind of felt s-sick and umm r-recover girl told me to get some sleep, that's all" I said nervously. "I know you're lying, your stuttering and look nervous, so just tell me..What's wrong ochaco?" "..." I looked down at the floor, i can't lie to her, she'll just know I'm lying.

"Follow me, you're going to us what's wrong, not the boys, only me and the girls, okay?" She said "...okay..." we then started walking to mina's room, and when she opened the door, all the girls were sitting in a circle, I then sat down in between Mina and Tsuyu.

(Here's an image of where they're sitting)

"So what's wrong Ochaco?, ribbit" Tsuyu asked, should I tell them, they deserve to know, but I don't want them

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"So what's wrong Ochaco?, ribbit" Tsuyu asked, should I tell them, they deserve to know, but I don't want them. "Its nothing, you shouldn't worry about me, I'm fine" I said. "ARE YOU AND TODOROKI A THING?!" Tooru shouted, I blushed "W-what? N-NO WERE N-NOT DATING" I shouted. I mean Todoroki so a great guy and all but I'm not into him, but I know Momo is, I look over at Momo and she looks kind of sad.

"Momo?" I asked, "Huh? Oh, yes Ochaco?" Momo replied, "I know you like Todoroki it's kinda obvious, so don't worry I'm not gonna steal him away from you" I said with a cheeky smile, she blushed and looked away "T-thank you...Ochaco" she then secretly smiled but I could tell by the way she said it. "TODOMOMO?" Tooru and Mina squealed, "Momo you have to ask Todoroki out now!" Mina ordered she blushed even more, "Guys, have you forgotten the reason why where all here? ribbit" Tsuyu asked. They all looked at me, I stayed quiet and looked down.


"So...Ochaco what's actually going on?" Jirou said with worry in her voice, "..." "C'mon, do you not trust us?" Tooru asked. "F-fine, I'll tell All of you, b-but only if you don't tell anyone, especially...D-Deku." Ochaco said "oh~ so it's about Midoriya huh~" Mina teased, Ochaco turned red "k-kinda" she said. "Don't tell me...yo-" Mina was cut off by Jirou's earphones
"So what's been bothering you" Momo said.

"W-well..."She takes a deep breath and starts to explain everything from the beginning to now, " So...thats" Jirou starts "your final decision?" Tooru finishes, Ochaco nods as she feels tears forming in her eyes, they then start crying and hugging each other. "O-Ochaco...If you a-actually d-d...if y-your gone I'm going t-to mu-murder Midoriya" Mina cried out as she hugged tighter.

Ochaco didn't want to argue right now so she just noded and kept hugging them, after a few minutes of being squished by each other they stopped and began talking then cried again, they were a mess, tissues were everywhere, they decided on having a sleepover later. They went to their dorms to grab there stuff for the sleepover, when Ochaco got there she bumped into someone, she fell down "ow" she said and then heard a groan, when she looked who was there she saw.......



I went to Uraraka's dorm to tell her if she was okay, 'why am I nervous, I'm sweating a lot, I'm just going to tell her if she's okay so why am I nervous it's not like I'm going to confess or anything like that........yet

As I was walking, I bumped in to someone, i fell down and groaned 'ow that hurted more than I thought it would've, when I was about to see who it was I heard someone say "Deku?" 'That sweet angelic voice...oh no' I standed up and holded out my hand so she can grab it and I could pull her up, "IM SO SORRY URARAKA, I WASNT LOOKING WERE I WAS GOING AND BUMPED INTO YOU, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR, PLEASE FORGIVE ME" I apologized. "Its alright, I should've also been looking were I was going so don't worry" she said as she smiled, I blushed as I noticed I was holding his hand and looked away.

"Anyways why are you here?" She asked me, "Huh? Oh me umm well I j-just wanted to ask you if you were okay" I said "Oh, why's that?" She asked. "Umm well you weren't in class and I was worried that something bad happened to you" I said looking straight into her beautiful dark chocolate eyes, "Oh well I just didn't feel good and recovery girl told me to get some sleep, that's all, so don't worry" she said. "Oh, okay" "Well I gotta go, bye Deku" she said as she waved and started walking away, "bye........Ochaco" I mumbled sadly, I wanted to spend a little more time with her but she had other plans.

I started walking to my dorm but then realized something 'MELISSA, I completely forgot that I was going to ask her for help!' I then started running, 'she might be with All Might in his office right now, so that's where I'll check first'


"Alright guys, Ochaco's not here so let's disscus how we'll make Ochaco or Midoriya confess to each other" I said "If she thought we were just gonna let her die without us trying to help then OH BOI WAS SHE WRONG" Tooru said saying the last part a little too loud. "Okokok, we get it but we better hurry she might come any minute now so stop talking and start planning already" Tsuyu said impatiently, which surprised me because she's normally calm but I guess knowing her best friend is going to die makes her feel like that.

"Alright then....Let's start"

Here, I finished a chapter for you guys..well for whoever reads this.

What are they planning? Will they make them confess to each other? How will Melissa help Deku? How will Ochaco react to all this? Will she try to cooperate or will she shut  the plan down and accept her fate?

FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF "Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)" Bye bye :P

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