Chapter 5

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I know I said I wasn't gonna upload as much but I couldn't just leave you guys without a chapter, and I do have the day off Today but after today I'll be busy so I thought that I'll post 1 chapter today then watch a couple of episodes of Demon slayer, go bake cupcakes and study for my quiz later at night for Monday.


"*Hic* Why d-does this h-have to happen t-to Ochaco?.." I was a crying mess, I just don't want my best friend to die, I wanted us to become heroes...together like we planned to, but now it would never happen. I kept sobbing as the girls tried comforting me, we embraced each other and cried together.


All you could hear was teenage girls crying, two were screaming, one was choking from how tight they were hugging each other and two were crying normaly, and from the common area one explosive-duck with anger issues yelling "SHUT UP YOU EXTRAS". "Kacchan that's rude, something might have happened" a broccoli said, "I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM I JUST WANT THEM TO SHUT THE HELL UP, NOW MOVE IT NERD" Bakugou said as he pushed Deku and started walking to the girls dorms as he was starting to make little explosions.

"BAKUGOU, You are not allowed to go to the girls dorm, it is prohibited!" Iida yelled while chopping his hands in the air "OW, WHAT THE HECK IIDA?!" a purple grapist yelled "My apologies, I didn't see you there Mineta" Iida apologized. "Hey Bakugou I heard Iida yell you were going to the girls dorms" Mineta said with a sly smirk "YEAH, WHAT ABOUT IT YOU LITTLE PIEC-" Bakugou was cut off by Iida "BAKUGOU, THAT IS VERY RUDE TO SAY TO A FELLOW CLASSMATE, NOW PLEASE GO TO YOU DORM" Iida yelled as he covered Bakugou's mouth with his hands. Bakugou pushed Iida away "FINE" he then stomped away to his dorm.

Mineta then sighed "I was just going to ask him if I could join him to the girls dorm", "That Is Very Inappropriate Mineta, I Suggest You Go Back To Your Dorm As Well" Iida said "WHAT, WHY?!" Mineta complained, Iida just stared at him "UGH, FINEE" Mineta said. "Hey Iida, why were the girls screaming and crying?" Deku asked Iida "I don't know, but I suggest you leave them alone and let them solve their own problems" Iida suggested, Deku nodded.


I'm worried that something might of happened to the girls and even worse Ochaco, Iida told me to leave them alone but what if they need help, what if their in trouble...What if SHE'S in trouble?! I started to panic, I breathed in and out...their okay...she's okay, so dont worry I then calmed down and decided to go rest.


We were crying for about an hour until I realized...Ochaco never came back. "OCHACO" I yelled "What?" Momo said as she wiped her tears away "OCHACO NEVEE CAME BACK, WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER?!" I panicked "YOUR RIGHT, HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN CRYING?!" Hagakure screamed "ABOUT AN HOUR" Mina screamed back.

We all started panicking and went outside to check if she was coming Ochaco. This is bad, what if something bad happened to her, what if she's in trouble, what if- "Jirou, we'll find her, I'm sure she's close by, just walking around" Momo reassured me, I nodded. Ever since she helped me confess to Kaminari we became closer friends and started talking to each other.

We searched a bit until Hagakure screamed, we came running "What's wrong?" Tsuyu said, she pointed to the bushes and we saw....Ochaco

She was laying down on her side on the grass with dried blood stained on her lips to her neck and onto the ground, petals were everywhere, her eyes closed.

We all screamed, "OCHACO" Tsuyu ran to her and checked if she was breathing....she was still alive, I sighed a sigh of relief. Momo made something to clean Ochaco up and then we carried Ochaco to the dorms, I put one of her arms around my neck and the other one around Momo's neck.

TIME SKIP, because...I WANT TO


They got to the dorms and checked if anyone was there, there was not, so they entered and slowly but quickly went to the girls dorm. They went in Mina's room and picked up their stuff for the sleepover and then convinced Momo to have the sleepover in her dorm, they went to Momo's room because she had a big bed and it was comfortable and they were already tired. They put Ochaco on one side of the bed to let her rest and then they played some games, ate some snacks.

Mina had dared Momo to go kiss Todoroki, she did that but as she kissed him he had put his arms around her and kissed her back, Hagakure was there recording EVERYTHING and went to show the girls what happened.

Hagakure had dared Jirou to hug Kaminari, they then found out that they were already together.

Momo dared Mina to punch Bakugou in the face as revenge, she almost died but her red-haired boyfriend magically appeared out of nowhere and distracted him so she could escaped.

Jirou asked Tsuyu 'Truth or Dare' and she of course said Truth, she asked her who she liked, it turns out that she had a crush on the emo looking chicken.

And Tsuyu did the same but with Hagakure, Hagakure said she had a crush on Ojiro and as she said that she was blushing but of course no one noticed because she's invisible.

They got tired and fell asleep. But what they didn't notice was that Ochaco was awake the whole time, not wanting to interact or disturb them, so she faked sleeped then grabbed her stuff and left to her dorm.

As she entered she locked the door and threw herself in her bed and looked at the ceiling as tears fell down but soon stopped, her now emotionless hazel eyes were now looking at a sharp object in the counter. She grabbed the knfe that Gunhead gave her as a gift from the intership, she didn't think but slowly sliced her skin with it.

She didn't give an expression of pain but a smile slowly crept in her round Kirby face, tears then began to fall as she laughed but it soon turned into a devastated laugh and into crying as she hugged her legs, next to the window.

Would someone be able to save Ochaco? Why is she doing this? Why is Deku so DENSE? Will anyone notice? Will Ochaco end up killing herself and everyone will be devastated and end there, a sad ending?..probably but I don't know either but I guess we'll all...

FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF 'Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)' which will probably be soon, on Thanksgiving break which will start on November 22 until I don't know, probably a week.

Well..Bye, see you on November 22 or maybe sooner if I take a little break from school. ...but before I go I just want to recommend 'Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu No Yaiba' it's AMAZING but if you don't want to or don't like it then...I understand but I'm still going to recommend it to you. Anyways Thank you for supporting this story and as a gift I made this chapter for you guys.

Bye! See you soon...

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