Chapter 8

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There will be cursing.


"I think you're ready" She said with a tired voice, "Y-you think? Wh-what i-if I'm n-not, maybe I-I sho-uld keep p-practicing? Yeah!" I said nervously. I don't know if I'm ready, I don't think I am, but I want to confess to her so badly but I'm too scared, maybe I shouldn't have asked for help, I should just give up...yeah, I should. B-but all i know is that............IM DEFINETLEY NOT READY!!

"NO!!" Melissa says as she slaps Me as hard she could but it didn't hurt, it only stinged a bit. "W-WHAT, WHY N-NOT?!" I screamed "You will confess Tomorrow, Do. You. Understand. Me." She said with a serious voice "O-ok-ay" I respond.

IM GOING TO DIEEEEEEE, THIS IS THE WORST DECISION IVE MADE. "Midoriya, get ready for your big day tomorrow, it's going to be a big step into life. You'll finally be with the love of your life!" She said like a proud mother. "Y-youre m-making it sound li-like I'm going t-to M-m-marry h-her" I say blushing  "I will" She said "EH!?" I feel my face burning "What? Are you not?" She asked with dissappointed "Y-y-yes I-I w-w-will, b-but I still d-don't know i-if s-she l-l-l-likes m-me" I say stuttering like crazy.

"Okay good, and you better invite me to the wedding when you do" She said teasingly with a grin "uhhh I..s-s.....mmm uhm" I tried speaking but failed "calm down, I was just teasing you" she giggled "mmmh" I muttered.

"And I'm sure she'll say she loves you back, trust me, plus tomorrow will be the PERFECT day, its going to Valentine's day and you can't miss that opportunity" she said with her hand on my shoulder "mmmh, but what if...what if she doesn't like me back. I'm just going to make a fool out of myself in front of her" I say as I look at the rose bush

"No you won't, I trained you for about a month, and it wasn't for nothing. So get everything ready, prepare yourself because you WILL confess to her tomorrow and I'm NOT taking No as an answer. Do YOU understand me. You can do it." She said while looking at me straight in the eyes "...yeah...Yeah...YEAH, I CAN DO IT! I WILL CONFESS TO HER!!" I reply. She grinned "THANKS FOR HELPING ME MELISSA!!".

IM GOING TO CONFESS. YEAH I CAN DO IT!! I won't let my training with Melissa go to waste, NOTHING can stop me. I smile and run to a shop to buy something if she accepts my confession, if she doesn't then all my money will go to waste.

I enter the shop and search for a 'specific' item, I buy it and run to the dorms.

(I'm not telling you guys YET but you'll see next chapter) >:D

When i get there I go up to my room, I lock the door and look at the present I got for Ochaco. I really hope she accepts my confession. But Melisa is right, tomorrow will be the perfect day to confess. Valentine's day, the day where you show your love to your loved ones.

I put the 'item' in my drawer and lie down on my bed. I wonder....what she's doing right now.


"You can do this Todo, I'll be hiding in that bush helping you out, so don't you worry" I tell Todoroki "mmm..Are you sure I should do this, what if sh-" I then cut him off "For the Million time, YES" I say already getting annoyed "Bu-" I cut him off AGAIN "TODOROKI, DONT WORRY, SHE WONT REJECT YOU. TRUST ME" "b-but-" Todoroki tries speaking "NO BUTS TODO, ITS TOO LATE, SHE'S COMING!"


"NO BUTS TODO, ITS TOO LATE, SHES COMING!" Uraraka yelled as she went to her hiding spot.

"URA, DONT LEAVE ME ALONE" I whisper yell "IM NOT, IM JUST HIDING HERE LIKE I SAID" She whisper yelled back. I then watch as a black haired girl walked straight at me.


"So what did you need Todoroki" Momo asked sweetly as she smiled, which of course caused me to blush. "Uh I uhm well I-i uhh......damn it" I mutter the last part quietly, I then look at the bush were Ura's at. She likes her head out and puts up...a sketch paper?

I then read what it says out loud "Yaoyorozu, I want to tell you something that I have been meaning to tell you for some time". She looks at me "And what could that be?" She asked curiously.

"Uhm...I-Its I-I NEED TO GO TO THE RESTROOM" I say as I run away to the restroom. FUCK FUCK FUCK WHY THE HELL DID I RUN AWAY, I then looked myself in the mirror, I saw a sweaty red face with a frown. I'm pathetic.

I then breath in and out.

You can do this Shoto. Just tell her how you feel and it's done. It sound easy so WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD?!

I then exit the restroom and go back to the spot where I was at with Yaoyorozu. When I get there I then notice that...she's not there? UGH I RUINED MY CHANCE!! Where's Ura anyways, maybe She knows. "Hey Ura, where did Yaoyorozu go?" I ask "Hm? I don't know.

"Why'd you run away?" Ura asked tilting her head slightly "..I'm just...nervous" I reply "Well you got nothing to worry about! How can she reject you, your the best!" She said smiling. I then flick her forehead "Ow!" She whimpered.

"Why'd you do that for?!" She pouted as she rubbed her forehead. "How am I supposed to tell her my feelings if I keep stuttering and getting nervous? How do I tell her if she'll go on a date with me? That she means the world to me....that..I Love her." I asked desperatly as I look down.

I wait for her to reply but she never does, I look up to see her eyes wide open...

I wait for her to reply but she never does, I look up to see her eyes wide open

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"B-behind you.." She said in a whisper, I did what she said and when I turned around I saw.....her.


She was smiling with a small blush on her cheek. "H-how long were y-you the-there?" I said nervously "long enough to say I love you too, and I will go with you on a date" she said. I smile and hug her "B-but do I really mean that much to you?" She asked as she looked into my eyes. I then plant a kiss on her lips.

I pull back and smile "Of course you do, I love you Momo". She smiled back  "B-but one question" I said "What is it?" She questioned, "W-will you be m-mine?" I asked "YES, OF COURSE I WILL!" She said happily. I then cupped her cheeks and planted a kiss and she kisses back.

I was happy. I am finally with the person I love and plan with being with her until the end.

We separate after a minute. When I turn around to look at where Ura was supposed to be at...she was gone. She had left without me noticing. Wasn't Uraraka here a few minutes ago?...Maybe she had something important to do...but why didn't she tell me?

AND that's it for this chapie.

Where did Ochaco go? Why did she leave? What did Izuku buy? (and I don't know what else to say)

FIND OUT IN THE LAST CHAPTER OF 'Why...(Hanahaki Disease/Izuocha)'

Sorry this is late, I got distracted by.........something. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and yes next chapter will sadly be the last chapter I will make of this fanfic, but don't worry, I have more ideas of what else to write.

Bye! See you next chapie!

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