Flames and culture

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"I... I can sense something is wrong.. The soul calls out in fear." The Titan raised himself from his seat at the table, clattering and shaking all the dining wear on it, and other titans began to chatter worriedly.

"You mean the bride?!"

"Is it time?!"

"My love.." he whispered in panic, hurriedly making his way to the ceremonial room.

Not taking the time to hesitate, he closed his eyes and focused hard on seeing what the soul could see.
And it saw flames.


I remember smoke. I could smell it faintly, but when I sat up from my bed it was stronger.

Not exactly wasting time to be optimistic, I knew that this powerful a smell meant fire.
Did someone leave the stove on or something?

Damn it I don't have time to be confused, I need to get everyone out of here.
I threw the blankets off of me and ran to the door, peeking through. I could see the smoke, it was drifting through the air in disgusting black clouds, and I think there were little burning bits of something in the air.
It stung my eyes, but I could hardly care, running into my little brothers room across the hallway.
Slamming the door open, I searched through the covers on his bed, but he wasn't there.

"Mom?! Dad?!"

No one answered so I made my way to their room. Maybe my little bro had snuck into their bed to sleep by them again, but when a search through their covers served they weren't there, I might have panicked a little.

My feet smacked the wood of the floors, and I accidentally breathed in the smoke for a second when I was panting. I coughed and held my shirt over my mouth and nose, my chest suddenly feeling a lot heavier and tighter.

I can't stop breathing it in.

"Mom!" I screamed, looking down towards the stairs. I couldn't even scream loudly, my voice cracking.
The smoke was so thick down there, but if I jumped out of any window on the top floor I'd definitely die.
The stairwell was even warmer than downstairs, and it was really hard to breath. My lungs kept trying to force me to take in breaths, but I knew I couldn't.
It was like when you're under the water for too long, and your lungs long for air, so your body tricks you into breathing in.

I could see the fire when I reached the bottom of the steps, and I was right, it was in the kitchen, but it had caught to the carpet.
The fire bit at the floor so quickly it didn't look real, and it covered the couch and table in the living room, though I could barely see it. Even with it lit up by the flames, the smoke covered it thickly.

It was the worst coughing fit I'd had in my life. I almost fell down, and I didn't even have the strength in my hand to lift my shirt to my mouth and nose again.
There was yelling when I fell onto the floor with a thud.
"He-lp..." I choked out quietly, hoping it was someone that could see me.

"Hel-..." I had hardly noticed that my eyes were closing, and the wave of panic I felt evaporated when my eyes fell shut. Why was my brain telling me to sleep..

"I've...... finally fou... yo-...!" I could hear a voice.

It was quiet and faint, and I couldn't really process the voice. But no one shook me, or grabbed me, or...saved me....

The fire spread all around.


Y/n gasped, expecting to wake up in her room, but it was far from it.
Her chest stung as she sat up, everything blurry and wrong. Everything looked so big.

The Titans brideWhere stories live. Discover now