Sereneity and smoke

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Y/n snuck off of the bed in the prince's courters, disliking how far off the ground the bed was. She felt like she was some kid who hadn't grown into anything yet. Even the weird clothes they gave her for sleeping in were a little too big.

Caius had liked it though.. heh. pervert.

Sighing silently as she glanced at the Titan prince's back, she tip toed through the room, walking on the large wooden planks of the floor, and reaching the doorway. She hardly looked back, unsure what she'd do if he woke up.
She found it odd that they didn't seem to have any doors in a lot of places- just arches with curtains.
Well if they did have doors, could she even have turned the handle? Heh, kinda lucky actually..
No one was out in the hallways it seemed, though she didn't actually know if she would be allowed to roam.. would she be in trouble?

She doubted it. She didn't even know what she was doing- or going to do if she got lost. Hell, at least she'd have the excuse.

Quietly wishing she'd been wearing her hoodie when she was transported here, she tried to let the breeze feel good on her skin. She just wasn't used to cold, and her nose and feet were cold to the touch.
Blinking erratically, she turned back to see a bit of light disappear immediately behind a corner of the hallway.


She didn't call out to it, unsure if she was maybe just seeing things. Besides, if someone was following her, it was probably just to make sure she wasn't fucking around with their stuff- whatever way she could have even done that she didn't know.

With a small cough, she silently tried to remember where they'd gone when he first brought her to that room. It was difficult as she'd been closing her eyes in fear at the time, but she didn't remember any turns other than the one.

Staring down the serene hallways, she wondered wether to go down the turn that appeared before her, or to go forward.

Choosing to turn, she saw the doorway to a large room she recognized.

Her feet smacked on the tile ground lightly, and she made her way into the huge room. It was like a mini coliseum- and it was where she'd been "summoned" Caius kept saying.
Hugging herself lightly as she stepped forward- she almost tripped on the step- forgetting how large they were. It took her two small steps to walk over the edges of the small stairs.
Clearing her throat quietly and breathing in the crisp air, she hopped down onto the last step, and looked up at the room's smooth ceiling. The vastness of the space in the room made her miss her home, and she couldn't believe it had been a few days since she'd just... appeared here.
"Maybe this is just some dream.." she said.

She was hoping to wake up to her brother jumping onto her in bed and knocking the air out of her like always.

She laughed quietly, sitting down on her knees as she stared at the smooth marble walls.
"Brains are weird.." she giggled, her eyes stinging.
This is just a really weird dream my own mind is torturing me with.
"Damn it.." y/n sniffed, rubbing her eye in annoyance- but it didn't stop it.

She could clearly imagine the fire, nipping away at the floor in front of her. crackling... and bringing up smoke around it... She imagined it eating away at the shelf of pictures that held many memories of her family. She'd been trying to stuff the thought in the back of her mind, but when she actually thought it through, she arched over, breathing in shakily and sobbing.

Are they alive?

Did they die?

Eventually, she grew colder from the tile, and the tears still trailed down her face and fell onto her lap silently. As silently as she could anyway. She was barely worried about the sound of her sniffles bouncing off the walls of the room and back at her. No one could hear it anyways.

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