Aphrodesiac and....Furries???

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Both the doctor and Caius gained absolutely flabbergasted expressions.

"Excuse me?!

She panicked and let go, looking around as if for an excuse. "T-the medicine's made me feel a lot better now! I promise I won't get in your way! So please, let me-"

"That's a definite no!! What are you thinking??" Caius startled her, and she yelped that time.
"That's right! You're sick! And what's more- the beast men country is Dangerous!! Even with two of you it's too dangerous!"

"I-... I know I'm being selfish! Just please don't leave me Caius- I... what if you get hurt?!"
She inhaled shakily as she grabbed onto his shirt, imagining him being eaten by a monster.



"This is so cool Caius!! everyone's so fluffy here..!" She whispered, relieved they weren't monsters.
She gasped smiling brightly.
"That ones a panda I think!!!" She followed the Titan, looking around at the people walking from across the street, but there weren't many of them and Caius really didn't seem keen on letting her explore or dilly dally.

With a pout, she held her knuckle to her chin, thinking as she looked at the beast men around her.
"They're kinda like.. furrie-" something whipped in front of her and she halted quickly, eyes barely able to track the movement as the object swirled. When it stopped, she found it was striped, and- oh- attached to something. Someone.
The displeased beast turned with its ears facing her and changing direction to face her as it looked down. Her eyes widened and she looked eagerly up at the being, their eyebrow raising and their feline snout wrinkling slightly as it huffed and continued on its way.

"wooow~" she whispered, turning all around to catch glimpses of the gorgeous gruff and animal like people, all doing different things and speaking with each other or going someplace.
She gained some of their attention, the only one not moving after all, and she was about to go talk to one.

"Y/n! We arrived much later than anticipated the sun is about to set, we need to go!" Caius grabbed her hand, the two starting to run in a flurry of capes.
"Hurry! We have to find an inn!"

"W-Wait what?! I wanna see your moonrise I didn't see it in the castle!"

He didn't answer, and she furrowed her brows puzzledly.


The door slammed behind them, and y/n wheezed practically alongside Caius.

"We made it..."

"Oh... my... gosh..." she panted between the words. Y/n slipped her bag off of her shoulder and dangled it just over the floor.
"W-why did we need.. to get here so fast?"
"I mean they've got city lights right? It wouldn't have been dark. I mean besides, look at your moon."
She smiled quietly, stepping over to the window, and Caius widened his eyes, opening his mouth to say something as he set down his bag from across the room.

"It's so bright! Just look at... tha-..."

Her heart thumped hard in her head, once and harshly.
She thought it was something else, and would have looked around, but found herself unable to look away from the light source.

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