Doubts and sticky juice..

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"You're saying that.. you do not wish to be my bride after all?!"

She looked down at the table, feeling like a child being scolded for something ridiculous she'd done.
After a moment of silence Caius' tone of voice wavered a little.
"Did you really just say that y/n?"
Y/n felt tears threaten to fall from her eyes, but the only thing that kept them from it was that she knew it was the right thing to do.

When she didn't answer with even the smallest of glances, he shook his head, not understanding.
"There's still time before this month has passed- if there's anything you feel unsatisfied with-"
"That's not at all what I mean."
Y/n placed her palm on her own shoulder with a sad grimace.

"But... but.. marriage should be for when two people love each other. And.."

She feared his expression so still didn't dare to look up.
"Medina is very clearly still in love with you. And you still love her too. Love is what's most important, and I'm not going to stand in the way of you too, no matter what some prophecy says."
Y/n gulped quietly and shuttered when she knew he was staring at her.

"You're.. really amazing. And I don't want to make you unhappy with continuing to let you feel obligated to marry a weirdo like me. You should be with Medina."
When she finally looked up, she couldn't read what his face said, but continued anyways.

"You shouldn't give up your love for anything in the world. If you need to stop it, I know that you can find a way to avoid the danger all together while still being happy."

She plastered a smile onto her face and inhaled. "Besides! Maybe my world could help you somehow! I mean we don't have magic but we could try, and I'd be happy to help too!"
When Caius' face fell y/n put her arms down and hugged herself, biting on the inside of her cheek.

"You don't seem to understand.."

"If you merely hated me and wished to return- then I can understand that reasoning. However you're attempting to fix the relationship between Medina and I."
Y/n looked somewhere other than his serious face and offered no good answer for a while, fidgeting until the words came to her.

"I... know how painful that loneliness feels.. and if I can stop that pain from reaching anyone else, I will."

"I don't want you or the person you love to feel that way."
A sad smile made it's way onto her face, but when she saw those wide eyes of Caius' she faltered and furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Hu-" without a single second passing the Titan prince had grabbed onto her and hoisted her up and onto her shoulder.

"WOAH- HEY! WHAT??" She yelled loudly coming into contact with his back. Her legs at first kicked in annoyance, but eventually as Caius didn't answer her they dangled in defeat.
Suddenly a door burst open, and y/n watched the shiny tiles reflect her for but a millisecond, and then she was dropped.

Y/n only had time to yell startledly for an even shorter moment before she landed, and something was squishing her face.
Something called lips. Squishing against her own lips.
She gripped his forearms for a moment as not to stumble, and tried to pull her face away. Caius' hand latched onto the back of her head and pulled her closer, and she blushed madly in response to his tongue entering her mouth.

She smacked him right on the forehead and he smiled with determination, pulling away.


"Medina I don't know what doubts you placed in Y/n's head or what your intentions are, but the one whom I love is y/n!"

It took a long moment to process the situation, blinking rapidly and panting hard as she latched onto Caius and stared at Medina with wide eyes.

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