Kidnapping! Yay..

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Palo yanked on the rope, tightening it.

"Ow." She said bluntly, staring unimpressed at him from on the ground.
She was still sweating a lot, almost shaking, but she decided to act like she wasn't. Never act scared in a dangerous situation when you're sure you're in one.

"Who knows what they would do to you.."
she shuttered, recalling what Caius had said.

Will they attack him? They obviously set us up. What if he gets..
Palo sat down on a nearby crate with an exasperated sigh.

"I'll just warn you now, there's no use in struggling." He blinked down at her, then groaning in what seemed like boredom.
"This whole area here belongs to us. Other beastmen don't come near here. But.."

He sighed again, his ears flopping down.
"Now I've done it.. they told me not to make a scene in the city.. yet.. damnit everything is all your fault!" He scratched the top of his head, stressed.

"You're the ones who tricked us! what are you doing to Caius?!" Y/n strained in annoyance, her wrists hurting.
"Caius? Is Caius that merchant?"
"Pfft, he's probably bagged up and beaten to a pulp in the storage room by now."

Y/n stopped at his words, clenching her teeth.

"He May be a Titan, but He's not gonna be able to do anything against that many of us." way...

"No... no no no.." she struggled, her insides making her feel so weak she couldn't even try to sit up, though it wouldn't work anyway.

This is all my fault..!

"Forget about that guy, you should be more worried about yourself."

I haven't been worried about myself in a long time. Caius is the only one I could've saved, and I didn't.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled, yanking on the rope, pushing at the wall with her legs to try and snap them. "Shut up-. You don't- you fucking-" she strained in anger, as if to get closer to him. She wanted to attack him, but she started growing even warmer this time, almost as if the poison had learned of her anger and started to use it to its advantage. She breathed heavily, hair falling in her eyes.
the wolf smirked almost disbelievingly.

"They won't take well to you snapping at them like that when you're a pet."
Y/n stopped, her lungs taking in air like they hadn't been able to for hours.

"'Dwarfs' are rare. There are a lot of people out there who would pay high prices for you."
She choked on a gasp, pressing her thighs together and began to curl into a ball, whimpering quietly in pain. Palo probably thought it was because of what he was saying, or didn't hear her.
"You'll most likely become a popular commodity in the brothels. Or become the pet of some rich schmuck somewhere." He sniffed, trailing off in boredom as she shook and shivered madly on the floor.
"Maybe a specimen of the Long-eared folk..?"

Y/n's head fell limply, her eyes rolling back into her head.
The wolf turned its attention to her immediately, ears perked in surprise.
She didn't respond, or move, breathing hard and twitching.

"W-whats wrong shrimp?!" The beastman stood up quickly, stepping over towards the panting mess on the floor cautiously.
"Uugh.." Y/n flinched, gasping for air on the floor, her eyes squeezed shut and legs twitching.

"The hell is wrong with you??"

The wolf reached down and grabbed the collar of her coat like before, inspecting her face.

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