Chapter 1

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Author's P.O.V.
"Sonia!!!" Both hedgehogs yelled from downstairs. "Hurry up!" The azure one groaned and hit his head on the wall. "We've been waiting for an hour!"

"Shut up!" Sonia shouted back. "You're so impatient!" She rolled her eyes. 

"Well sorry that we're not wasting our time painting our faces." Manic rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. "Are you that insecure about your looks?" 

"That's it, we are leaving you behind if you aren't ready in 1 minute!" Sonic rubbed his temples. "I am already in a bad mood from having to unpack in a rush and not sleeping well. Let's. Go!" 

"Fine!" The pink hedgehog groaned and walked to her siblings. "Let's go!" She crossed her arms. 

"Thank Chaos." Manic stood up and yawned. "This is going to be a loooong day…" 

"Finally!" Sonic opened the door and walked outside. He waited for his siblings to get out then he locked the door.

Once they got to the school, the triplets walked to the principal's office, they had been talking the entire walk to the school. When they were about to walk inside the office, a twin tailed fox and a five quilled hedgehog interrupted them. 

"You must be the new students." The five quilled hedgehog said. "The principal assigned us to be your guides for today." 

"My name is Tails. And this is Silver." The twin tailed fox smiled. "And you are?" 

"I'm Sonia, these are my brothers, Manic and Sonic." Sonia shook Silver and Tails' hand. 

"Sup?" Manic waved at them.

Silver gave them their schedules. "Nice to meet you guys, let's go show you your lockers." He smiled at them. 

"Alright." The blue one looked at their schedules and sighed in relief when he saw that they had the same classes. 

They followed Tails and Silver to their lockers, they were right next to each other.

"Here are your lockers, we'll show you the rest of the school as the day goes on. Luckily, we have the same class now, so it won't be that hard." Tails chuckled and gave the triplets their keys. 

"Our first class isn't that far from here." The silver one said once he heard the bell ring. "I suggest you don't get on this teacher's nerves, he is very mean."

"Great way to start the day." Manic sighed. 

"Noted." Sonia chuckled at her brother. "Aww, come on, you'll sleep earlier today, just try to keep yourself awake." She patted his back.

"Well to be fair, he doesn't assign us homework, he makes us do group projects though." Silver told them as they began walking. 

"That doesn't sound that bad." The azure one mumbled, not being comfortable talking to anyone.

"Yeah, he's okay." The green hedgehog agreed as he followed. 

"Well, we are here. You should wait next to his desk until everyone is here so you can take a seat in the empty spots." Silver said.

"Okay." Sonia nodded and stood next to the door with her brothers.

As the students started walking in the classroom, many students looked at the triplets in confusion, since they haven't seen them before. 

"I'm not comfortable…" The blue one mumbled to his siblings as he saw everyone staring at them. He gulped and looked around at the class until his eyes landed on a certain ebony hedgehog.

He was the last one to walk in the class, talking to a white bat, he looked serious and strong, his fur and quills were black with red stripes on the end of his quills, arms and legs.

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