Chapter 5

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Author's P.O.V.
"I swear I had it with me. Sonia, please told me you took it." The azure one searched around in his backpack and his quills.

"I didn't." Sonia lowered her ears and looked in her backpack as well. "Are you sure it's not in your room? Maybe you left it there?" 

"I need to go check, help me out with the teachers while I go. I won't take that long. Damn, I can't believe this... if someone finds it, we are screwed..." He had his ears dropped and gave his backpack to his sister. "Keep checking, i'll be back." The azure one walked out of the class and glanced around for no one to see him dashed off to their house.

The pink hedgehog dropped her ears as she kept looking. The azure one couldn't find his phone and quickly dashed back in the classroom and sat down, dropping his papers with the wind he caused. 

"No luck... I must have dropped it in lunch..." He rubbed his face. 

"Sonic the Hedgehog!" The teacher shouted when the azure hedgehog caused all that mess. "Can you please explain why you came in the classroom in such a hurry? If you didn't want to be late, then you should've looked at the time." 

All the students looked at Sonic as some were snickering. 

"S-sorry..." Sonic looked down and sighed then he looked at his sister. "What do I do..?" He whispered as he picked up the stuff. 

"Let's just hope no one found it..." Sonia sighed,. getting stressed, she noticed that the ebony hedgehog was smirking at Sonic and lowered her ears, getting an idea, but she immediately shook that thought away when the teacher started the lesson. 

The azure one groaned quietly and put his head down. "I don't know what to do..." He tried to pay attention to class.

"Try to calm down." Sonia rubbed her brother's back. "Everything's fine." She tried to reassure him. 

Sonic took a deep breath and nodded. His phone was being spammed by his ex sending him messages asking when they could meet or where he was at. His messages were not block. 

The ebony hedgehog had the azure hedgehog's phone in his backpack in mute, he was going to read them later. 

"I will go check in the cafeteria, you go to the front office and check if they found a phone." He told his sister as he dashed off to the cafeteria not caring who saw him run.

Sonia nodded and did what her brother told her. 

The whole school was talking about Sonic and his speed, since it was rare that someone had a talent or a power. 

The azure one stopped in front of the cafeteria, so many people were trying to talk to him but he ignored them and started looking around. He was scared that someone may have found the phone and found out that they were from the Royal family.

Meanwhile, his phone kept getting spammed by messages of his ex.

"This guy is mental." Shadow mumbled when he saw the notifications. "Must be overprotective." He chuckled and put the phone away, not wanting to be seen by anyone or to see the messages yet and talk to the golden hedgehog, he knew he needed to know more about the azure one before he did so. He didn't think to check the other messages or search his phone for any pictures.  

He was sitting alone in the cafeteria, his friends had over classes so he was alone this time, not that he cared. He raised a brow when he saw his speed.

The azure one dashed around the cafeteria looking around for his phone, he suddenly stopped once he saw Sally. He had told Sonia to tell Sally so she could help them look. 

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