Chapter 9 - New Band Member...

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Hey guys, sorry its so short.... hope you like it? Let me know whatcha think! =)


Delilah's pov.

it all sorta happened in a bit of a blur.

Security came and got Tobi and walked him away in handcuffs.

They asked me question after question.

Cindia fluttered around me checking to make sure he did hurt me, fussing over me even though im fine.

Kenz was on the edge of having a panic/anxiety attack.

Ashley had refused to leave my side, him and Cody being the calm, rational ones.

We  were all sitting in the ' living ' room of our bus with the rest of BVB, Darren, Isobelle,  and matt good.

no one was talking because they didnt know what to say.

" Crap. Shit. God Dammit. Mother fucker. Bitch. Cu-" Kenz began to mutter but i cut her off.

"Kenz whats wrong....? Are you okay?" i asked concerned.

" I'm perfectly fine, but the band isn't.  We dont have a rhythm guitarist anymore! What the hell are we gonna do?! We are soooooo fucked!" she said.

" shit....." i mutter.

"i'd be glad to help." Jinxx said and my head snapped up to look at him.

" Really?" i whispered.

" Yeah sure, no prob. But we are bound to have the same stage time sooner or later and then i cant help...." Jinxx said,

i smiled at him like he was a god to be worshiped, which he sorta was not many would offer to help us that way.

" i'd be willing to fill in for Jinxx when he cant, i've never been in a band before but i've been playing guitar since i was 7....." Darren said.

kenz and i looked at each other and raised a single eyebrow in unison before looking back at him.

" Well let hear you." i said tossing an acoustic guitar to him.

"W-what do you wanna hear?" he asked.

" You know Black Veil Bride songs, right?" i asked.

" Of course, one of my all time favorite bands..." he said as his cheeks grew a bit pink.

" Good cause if you wanna be apart of this band you're gonna have to play their songs every now and then. But one little ritual we've picked up is we play Saviour at the end of every practice and show. So why dont you play it for us?" i asked him.

he nodded and seconds later the sweet sound of guitar drifted in the air.

i closed my eyes and swayed to the song a bit, and unknowingly i began to sing the lyrics, a stray tear sliding down my cheek.

i hear a few other voices mingle with mine and i opened my eyes to see who.

Everyone was singing along, we all shared small smiles and knowing that everything will be okay in the end.

when the song came to a end, kenz being kenz said " Well kid if you can play other songs half as good as you did that one, you can cross off 'Being in a Band' on your bucket list. Cause that was fucking Amazing!"

i chuckled and agreed along with Cody.

" So you sing?" i asked.

"..... a little?" he said.

" Alright good cause we might need some male vocals and as much as i love Cody... he cant hold a tune for shit. Sorry man, but its the truth and you know it." i said the last part to Cody.

"i know i cant, my ma refers to me as a dieing walrus, remember?" he asked.

and i chuckled at the memory, smiling big and nodding.

"Your mom's the best." i said to cody.

"HEY! What about Mama Kenz?!" Kenz shouted.

" She's the craziest." Cody said.

" Undeniably so....." i agreed.

and kenz shrugged and nodded.

" What about your mom?" Isobelle asked me.

i drew in a sharp breath closing my eyes briefly "Dead.... She's dead...."

" Oh.... im so sorry...." she said.

" Are ma ditched us...." Darren said.

it was silent for a few seconds.

" Alright, enough with the depressing stuff. Lets move onto the good news. Darren you best be calling up your dad to see if you can tag along on tour with us. Belle is welcome to join if she wants." Kenz said.

Darren nodded and Belle squealed before jumping up and off the bus dragging her brother behind her.

i chuckled and leaned into Ash's chest, looking up at him.

" So what do you want to do today?" he asked me.

" i've got an idea of something i wanna do, wanna join me?" i asked him.

" Sure, what do you wanna do?" he asked.

" I... i wanna get another tattoo. i've thought about this one for a long time and i think its time to get it." i said.

he nodded and stood up holding me hand and led me off the bus.


Deliliah's pov.

a few hours later we walked out of Ash's tattoo parlour with two more tat's instead of one.

on my left wrist in pretty black old fashion cursive i got ' You're not alone' and on my right wrist i got ' We'll brave this storm '

and just above my heart i got the BVB symbol/pentacharm with a banner woven through it saying ' Never Give In Never Back Down '

Ashley did both, of course and refused to let me pay so i insisted on paying for dinner.

we stopped at a dinner and both got burgers, fries and sodas.

we ate and walked back to the venue, well ash walked with me on his back.

we came back to my bus and walked in to see everyone there hanging out.

Ash sat in the only free spot on the couch and i went to sit down in front of him and lean against his legs but at the last second he pulled me into his lap.

i just snuggled back into his chest and tucked my head in the crook of his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist laying them flat on my stomach.

i began to play with his fingers while he talked with andy.

i suddenly felt really sleepy.... its been a really long day and i could feel my eye lids grow heavy.

i couldnt fight it any longer and slowly drifted into sleep curled against Ash, our fingers entwined.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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